Fritt Ord Student Scholarships awarded to three IMK students

The Department of Media and Communication has the pleasure to announce that Jessica Yarin Robinson, Frederik Holm Højvang Rasmussen and Anne Wikdahl Haga will receive Fritt Ord’s student scholarship. The scholarships are awarded to students who have projects within the fields of freedom of expression, democracy and human rights.

The following projects will receive the scholarships:

  • Jessica Yarin Robinson:  All Politics is Global: Transnational political engagement on Twitter during the U.S. presidential election.
  • Frederik Holm Højvang Rasmussen: At skabe en offentlighed  - Et casestudie af NRKs nyhedsformidling i et digitalt medielandskab.
  • Anne Wikdahl Haga: Digital kompetanse og privatliv på nett. En studie av betydningen av digital kompetanse for holdninger til, tillit til, og bruk av teknologiske tjenester som innhenter og bruker personlige data.
Published Oct. 10, 2016 11:33 AM