- One of the best study groups ever

- Nordic Media gives me a great chance to look at Media systems not only from a theoretical perspective, but also from a practical one, says Sintija, a Nordic Media student from Latvia.

Sintija, a Nordic Media student from Latvia (photo: H. B. Johnsen).

Why did you decide to study at the Nordic Media programme?

First of all, the Nordic countries mean something special to me. I have been inspired by these countries for a long time. When I saw that the University of Oslo offered a program in Nordic Media, I understood that this was the right place for me.

Norway seemed the perfect place to continue my education. From my previous studies, the University of Oslo has been named as one of the leading universities, especially in the media field. This made me even more confident about my choice. Secondly, the Nordic Media programme offers not only a great overview on the media systems in the Nordic countries, but also gives a deep understanding of media systems in an international perspective.

The programme’s aim is to understand, analyze and criticize different media systems. Furthermore - I think that, after finishing the program, I will have good career opportunities. Students are allowed and even encouraged to focus on issues they are personally interested in.

What is your academic background?

In 2010, I got my bachelor’s degree in communication science  and journalism.  I defended my bachelor’s thesis at Rigas Stradiņ’s University, in Latvia.

After my bachelor studies, I decided to go to Finland and develop my knowledge about the north. I was studying at the University of Lapland, and took part in the Arctic Studies Program (60 ECTS).

How do you like living in Oslo?

So far I enjoy staying in Oslo. The city offers many different ways to spend your spare time. I am sure that everyone will find something to their taste. Compared to other capitals, Oslo is peaceful and it is not overpopulated. Everything in Oslo is easily reachable, and it does not take long to travel form one place to the other.

Oslo is located by the Oslofjord bay, which makes the city even more beautiful. During the summer it is nice to travel by ferries to the small islands around Oslo and spend time there. I think it is very important to have water near the city, because it makes the city more alive. My favorite place in Oslo is the port – Aker brygge. I always enjoy being there, and everyone who is coming to Oslo definitely should visit that place.

Describe a regular day at the University

Usually the lectures begin at 10.00 AM. The number of lectures per day can vary, depending on how many courses the students take. After lectures, students can choose to go home or to stay at the university and read. Most of the students choose to stay at the university, because the Department of Media and Communication has a good studying environment. Each student can get their own work station and stay there without any disturbance.

Sometimes I stay in one of the reading rooms or go to the library to get materials for the lectures. I cannot imagine my day without coffee breaks, which I take with my fellow students from the Nordic Media programme. Definitely, coffee / tea breaks are an important part of the day.

What do you do in your spare time?

The University of Oslo offers a lot of opportunities on how to spend your spare time. I use every chance to go to the university gym, which is located on the campus area. I think this is one of the best ways to relax and get new energy for the next days. I am very interested in exploring Norwegian culture, and I try to attend different kind of events, for example concerts, clubs or exhibitions. Sometimes I go for a walk and spend a calm day in nature. It is very beautiful to walk up a hill somewhere and enjoy the great view of Oslo.

How do you get along with the other students?

I think the students at the Department of Media and Communication are fantastic people. The media student's community is very friendly, and it makes my days at the university even more special. I know that I will be sad after graduating, because I won’t see the Nordic Media students every day. I enjoy our small traditions: meeting for coffee or lunch breaks, or group meetings before the exams. I have one of the best study groups ever. Students are helpful and it is always possible to get support. We are a team.

The best thing about the Nordic Media programme?

During the Nordic Media studies I have become more confident about my future plans. I've understood which media field I want to work within and develop myself. The Nordic Media programme has given me a great chance to see the media system not only from a theoretical perspective, but also from a practical one. The students have the opportunity to visit different media companies and imagine themselves working in one of them. Students take part in testing new technology trends, and are always asked to share their opinion with company leaders and teachers. I like that professors in the Nordic Media programme try out different teaching methods and even encourage us to try different approaches on how to reach the aim.

I would also like to highlight the lectures. The Nordic Media courses include many guest lectures. Experts and researchers from different media fields often visit, and their lectures include practical advice for students. I appreciate it very much and find it relevant for my studies.

What are your plans for your master´s thesis?

In my master’s thesis I’ve decided to focus on the strategies and practices on social media channels of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs in the Nordic countries.

Published Jan. 29, 2013 2:19 PM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2013 2:46 PM