Why choose this programme option?

Banks, insurance companies and other industries daily face challenges that involve making decisions based on uncertain information. The financial consequences can be considerable if they fail to understand the risk involved. In this programme option, you specialise in the study of analysis and control of various forms of risk associated with the application of mathematics and information technology, and combined with economics and statistics.

You can select one of three fields of specialisation:

Specialising in Insurance, you learn how today’s insurance companies operate within the financial market. Insurance companies administer large sums of money, and need people who are skilled in modern mathematical finance as well as traditional insurance theory. You will specialise in financial risk, encompassing the study of options and investing analysis, in addition to insurance theory. A master’s degree with this specialisation qualifies you as an Actuary .
You must have a strong mathematical platform in order to function in modern finance markets.

Specialising in Mathematical Finance introduces you to stochastic analysis. This is a necessary tool for understanding modern investment theory and financial derivatives.

Specialising in Risk and Reliability Analysis, you will build up general expertise on handling uncertainty in technical/financial systems. Through the use of advanced statistical methods, you learn how, for example, the oil industry analyses risk in their operations.

Published June 6, 2012 10:00 AM - Last modified June 6, 2012 12:26 PM