
Get your admission requirements and application deadline for this programme by following our guide.

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  • admission requirements

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Selected program requirements (visible to UiO employees only)

Required specialization

Bachelor's degree

You must have a bachelor’s degree comparable to a Norwegian bachelor’s degree.

Required specialization and minimum grade requirement

You must have a minimum grade average comparable to a Norwegian C in the required specialization. A Norwegian C is described as a good grade, generally comparable to an American B and a Second Class Upper in the British system. We do not use conversion tables for foreign grades. All foreign education is individually evaluated during the admission process.

Please note that eligible applicants who fulfill the minimum grade requirement will compete for a study place. Please see the section on ranking for more information on selection criteria.

Specialization defined by the programme option Nordic Music:

  • A bachelor's degree with a specialization (80 ECTS credits) in any subject,

  • at least 30 ECTS in musicology. If the specialization does not contain academic courses on a second or third year level (in the case of US bachelor's degrees, 3rd or 4th year level), at least 10 ECTS credits of the 30 in musicology must be on this level.

Ranking of applicants

Selection is based on your academic performance in the required subjects for this programme.

For applicants with 30 ECTS credits in music in addition to their specialization, the ranking will be based on 50 ECTS credits from their specialization and 30 ECTS credits in music/musicology.