Digital Anthropologist

Pernille Ihme works as a Digital Anthropologist at the consultancy firm Knowit Sør.

Image may contain: Forehead, Cheek, Lip, Hairstyle, Smile.

Photo: Kristin Wallem Timenes / Kristiansand Municipality. 

How did you get your current job?

I got my job through my connections in Kristiansand. I expanded my network a lot when I participated in the trainee program “Trainee Sør” after I finished my master’s degree, which helped.

What do you think are the most important reasons why you got the job?

I think I got the job due to the anthropological knowledge and experience I accumulated over the course of my education. Anthropologists are really good at taking the users perspective. That is an indispensable skill for a consultant that designs new digital solutions for different users, like we do at my workplace. For my position it was also important to show interest in the field and to keep improving on your own capabilities and knowledge. It is also important for social scientists in general to explain how our skills and experience can be used and how it can be an asset. We can not take for granted that all actors know how an anthropologist can be a benefit to a team.

What are your main tasks in the workplace?  

I am part of a team that works with digital transformation and innovation. My main tasks are to assist large and small businesses, in the private and public sector, with the digital transformation, from ideas to results. I work both in projects and with product development.

What are you working on right now?

The projects I have been working on most recently have focused on developing a digital interaction platform for different actors in the public sectors. We help design new and modern digital workplaces, which not only displays information but offers solutions for interaction as well. In addition, we offer a variety of courses in digital tools, like for example Microsoft Teams and Planner, that run at all times.  

What do you enjoy most, and what is the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is that I get to try my hand at many different businesses’ needs for change and create the best possible results that will benefit the business. I am passionate about projects where the people and users are the main source of information, and where I can create value and meaning in digital solutions and tools.

What is most challenging?

The most challenging, but at the same time most exciting, part of my job is to constantly be one step ahead on new technology and innovative solutions for businesses. What is best is if we can improve systems and processes that are already in the business and make employees more effective and happier.

How do you use your education from UiO in your work?

Social anthropologists have unique and important skills that businesses should acquire. Anthropologists are able to uncover social complexities and possibilities for solutions in relation to each other. The methods we use for mapping, analysis and to acquire insights during fieldwork are core methods that I use to gather information in my projects.

What kind of activities did you engage in as a student that prepared you for work life?

I had multiple different roles in the student magazine Antropress and positions in the student organization “Sosialantropologisk Forening”. It isn’t always that important what exactly you engage in during your studies, as long as you’re doing something else besides studying. It gives you different experiences and you get the opportunity to collaborate with different people with different perspectives and backgrounds.

What is your best tip for students who want to become attractive in the job market?

Practice explaining your own anthropological skills to the business you want to work in and get to know what kind of work processes you can be of assistance and make improvements with your unique experience. Don’t assume that the business can figure out how your experience and skills are indispensable for their business on their own.    

Pernille Ihme

Job title: Digital Anthropologist

Employer: Knowit Sør AS

Degrees: Master's in Social Anthropology

Published Apr. 8, 2022 11:46 PM - Last modified Apr. 8, 2022 11:46 PM