
Nimmo is doing a Ph.D. at Linköpings Universitet.

Nimmo wrote her master thesis about how Norwegian aid creates a difference in Somalia. She won the UIO price "Våg å vite", she wrote an article that was published in the Norwegian newspaper "Aftenposten" and spoke at the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Now she is a research fellow at Linköpings Universitet in Sweden, where she is doing her Ph.D. and immersing in anthropology.

- I like to do research that is beneficial to the society. That you do research and create results is so exciting to me. I also like my job because working at this faculty gives me the opportuinity to be engaged in both academic and administrative work. We are teaching and able to attend courses at other faculties. You get to be part of a research community where you can evolve, Nimmo says.

Right now she is researching how digitalization affects the development in developing countries, and as an anthropologist, she is concerned about the effect on people's lives. 

- I use my anthropological glasses to investigate how development such as modernity or technology affects daily life.

The degree in anthropology teaches you how to observe people differently than most other degrees teaches you. That is why we have a different understanding of reality that some researchers tend to overlook.   

She recommends studying anthropology at UiO!

- At the World Economic Forum Conference several anthropologists it was stressed that more anthropologists and people taught in social science should be trained to give the world economy a more human perspective. If you are interested in how the world is connected socially, culturally, or economically I would strongly recommend studying anthropology. There are so many leaders in the world who is anthropologists, for instance, the president of the World Bank.

She emphasizes that it is essential to like studying and to choose more courses from different disciplines in order to follow one's interests.

  UiO is a fantastic place that provides the opportunity to do precisely that. My training at UiO as an anthropologist was world-class! 



Published June 14, 2018 12:04 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2021 1:56 PM