Meriç G. Doğan from Istanbul, Turkey

It was after learning about participant observation during a bachelor degree in sociology in Istanbul, Meriç G. Doğan decided to apply for a master's course in social anthropology.

Image may contain: Top, Hair, Face, Facial expression, Eyebrow.

Photo: ​Nazlı Özersoy

- Why do you study social anthropology?

- I first met with social anthropology during my bachelor’s degree in Istanbul. I was studying sociology back then and along with some theoretical courses on social anthropology we learned participant observation during our methodology courses. It always fascinated me how ethnographies of participant observations done by anthropologists were so accessible and riveting in the writing. I often thought that the way these texts were speaking to me were so honest and open. This is why I decided to study social anthropology, I think. I want my work to be accessible also to those who do not have knowledge of the field, and I want my work to be a piece of history in the future, says Doğan.

- Why did you apply for this particular master’s programme?

- I lived in many parts of the world, visited and traveled to more than thirty different countries and for me Norway was one the most welcoming and inclusive environments to be in. The Department of Anthropology at the University of Oslo is very well equipped in terms of the diversity of subjects and interests of academic staff. In addition, the university itself offers so many opportunities. There are scholarships you can apply for you can do your fieldwork abroad or at home. Maybe the only “bad” part of being here is the cold weather, but you get used to it I promise, says Doğan.

- What is the best thing about being an international student at the University of Oslo?

- The University of Oslo guarantees you a housing upon arrival, which I find very advantageous for international applicants. Finding and affording housing in Oslo for international students would have been probably a huge struggle. Other than that, there are many profits of being a student in Oslo city, from food to accommodation, sports and student clubs to health care. You will find so many opportunities to mingle and enjoy yourself, says Doğan.


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Read more information about the master's programme

By Erik Engblad
Published Jan. 24, 2020 11:13 AM - Last modified Feb. 12, 2020 10:35 AM