Norwegian Language Courses for Refugees

The university's International Summer School is offering short informal Norwegian language courses for newly arrived refugees.

Courses are provided on level 1 to level 3. 

These courses are not credit-bearing and do not give any formal qualifications.


After completing basic level 1, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the key elements of clearly spoken Norwegian on subjects relating to everyday life.
  • Talk about such subjects, even if the participants' vocabulary is limited and their way of expressing themselves is simple.


This course is based on dialogues, focusing on the use of Norwegian in everyday life.

During the course, we practice common situations and use the language actively from the very first session. The focus is on spoken Norwegian. We also practice pronunciation, intonation and accentuation as part of the feedback process.  

Preliminary knowledge

No previous knowledge of Norwegian is required. However, in order to benefit from the classes, participants must have substantial knowledge of spoken and written English.


These courses do not have exams or provide university credits. 

Number of participants

Maximum 20 participants per group for digital classes.


48 class hours; 3 hours twice a week for 8 weeks.

Digital courses (Zoom):

Course start in April:

  • Level 1: 8. April 
    • Teaching: 08:30 -11:00 on Monday and Wednesday for 8 weeks 


The registration for the digital course is now open. The registration deadline is 4. April

Register now


In order to be admitted to the course, applicants must document that they are registered as refugees in Norway with a residence card (oppholdskort) or card for asylum seekers (asylsøkerbevis).

Published June 17, 2022 11:14 AM - Last modified Mar. 21, 2024 2:21 PM