NOS-HS funds for workshops

The joint committee for Nordic research councils in the humanities and social sciences (NOS-HS) announces a call for workshop grants in 2020. 

The joint committee for Nordic research councils in the humanities and social sciences

In order to promote the development of new research areas and programmes within the humanities and social sciences in the Nordic countries, NOS-HS supports workshop series, consisting of two to three workshops held in the Nordic countries. 

The series of workshops must have a strong research focus and involve collaboration between researchers from different Nordic countries. NOS-HS funds proposals which aim at establishing new ambitious research projects and at preparation of research proposals to international research programmes.

NOS-HS encourages the applicants to involve early stage researchers and non-academic stakeholders in the workshops.

In the 2020 call, special attention will be paid to Nordic added value (see the NordForsk definition here).

More information

See NOS-HS pages for more information.


Publisert 7. jan. 2020 16:31 - Sist endret 22. juni 2021 23:14