UiO:Energy and Environment, call for Thematic Research Groups (TRG) 2023

UiO:Energy and Environment Thematic Research Groups 2023

Bildet kan inneholde: font, rektangel, symbol, sirkel, logo.

UiO:Energy and Environment is funding the development of Thematic Research Groups (TRG). Selected TRGs are expected to make substantial contributions to sustainability transitions by addressing challenges related to energy, climate and environment.

Funding from UiO:Energy and Environment: up to 5 (6) MNOK over a period of 2-3 years.

Application deadline: October 1 2023

Through UiO:Energy and Environment TRGs, the aim is to foster the development of an interdisciplinary culture as well as partnerships between researchers at UiO within sustainable energy, climate and environment. It is also desirable that the TRGs involves collaborations with international research groups and external stakeholders from the industry, governmental bodies or the society at large. The TRGs should enable the group of researchers to be more competitive when it comes to relevant funding from external sources, and may also be seen as a step towards larger, interdisciplinary projects such as UiO:Energy and Environment Convergence Environments.

Mer informasjon

See full call on UiO:Energy og environment's own web-pages.

Publisert 1. juni 2023 14:28 - Sist endret 1. juni 2023 14:28