Guidelines for projects supported by Nordic (and other) funding sources

Checklist for projects under Nordic (and other) programs: NordForsk, NOS-HS, etc.

Oppgaver Ansvar Når

Submit application plans here 

Tips:present idea, issue, design. 

Preliminary approval from ILOS granted within a week. 

Project leader, Head of research, Head of department 

6 weeks before deadline

Buy out, positions, project group:

Buy out: project leader 50%; core group 5-30% 

Allocate own research time? Agree this with the leader team!

Positions: numbers and type (3-year postdoc requires 10% work duties).

Partners: Confirmation from the partner's institution/department must be obtained

Project leader 4 weeks before deadline
Academic and administrative support* ILOS research support team During the application process
Submit complete draft proposal (incl. budget) for approval by ILOS leader team Project leader 2 weeks before deadline

NB! The final version of the application should be sent to research adviser for archiving.

Publisert 21. nov. 2019 11:18 - Sist endret 11. des. 2019 10:15