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Completion Grant

Guidelines for Completion Grant agreements at the Department of Musicology.


The aim of the Completion Grant is to broaden the candidates' skills and qualifications.


  • The Completion Grant is granted for a duration of 6 or 12 months, dependent on the time of submission of the thesis. Candidates who submit the PhD thesis within 3 years or 3 years and 6 months should give the Head of Administration at IMV written notice at the latest 6 months before expected submission of the thesis according to the Faculty of Humanities' regulations for Completion Grant
  • The Department and the Candidate enter into a written agreement outlining the tasks and responsibilities of the Candidate in the Completion Grant period. 
  • The agreement must be sent to the Faculty of Humanites 2 weeks prior to submission. 

Responsibilities in the Completion Grant period 

Prior to the Completion Grant extension the Head of Department and the Candidate agree upon which tasks and responsibilities are to be assigned to the Candidate.  

The work load of the Completion Grant Candidate is split between research (50 %) and teaching, pedagogical traning and possibly some administrative tasks (50 %).

Research (50 %)

Examples of tasks

  • Planning and hosting academic seminars and conferences
  • Designing research projects and/or applications for external funding
  • Designing post-doc projects or other research projects
  • Academic work that extends from the dissertation, f.ex. writing scientific articles
  • Dissemination activities

Teaching (50 %)

The Candidate is expected to participate in basic pedagogical training. See LINKs website

Examples of other tasks

  • Teaching
  • Convening courses in collaboration with an experienced colleague
  • Participation in examination grading
  • Planning teaching and other relevant academic projects related to teaching
  • Designing and carrying out evaluations of teaching, and other quality assessment tasks
  • Participation in hiring processes
  • Participation on committees, boards and similar
Publisert 14. apr. 2020 16:11 - Sist endret 5. sep. 2023 10:32