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Syllabus routine for course coordinators

Working with the syllabus is a comprehensive process with many steps.

The work starts the semester before the course is scheduled to take place.

The syllabus tool Leganto

The work on the syllabus is carried out in Leganto.

Guidelines for Leganto

Syllabus deadlines for course convenors

First and foremost, course convenors should only create the syllabus list once and in one place to avoid duplicate work. The syllabus list is finalized in Leganto before approval by the programme council.

How many pages?

A 10-credit course at the bachelor's or master's level should have a syllabus of 700-1000 pages, depending on the degree of difficulty (there may be some variation from programme to programme). Certain courses have supplementary literature.

Kopinor agreement

What can be printed without having to apply for permission?

  • 15% of works in sale
  • An article from a scientific journal

Free materials

  • Examination papers
  • Works that have not been published for over 70 years
  • Materials legally published on open websites
  • Law texts and public publications
  • Periodical publications, such as newspapers, magazines, cultural and academic journals, etc.



For extracts beyond the above scope, permission must be obtained from the publishing house or author. This is carried out through Bolk, a subsidiary of Kopinor. Copyright clearance can take quite some time, it will be more expensive, and we can also receive a refusal, particularly for large excerpts. If the contribution represents more than 15%, it is important to specify this in the reading list, so that the application process can start as quickly as possible.


Once the approved syllabus list is ready in Leganto, Akademika will extract the information directly from Leganto and place orders based on this information.


Compendiums are now made available electronically through Leganto. The Graphic Centre ensures that all articles are available as PDFs. Students can also order a physical compendium from the Graphic Centre if they wish.

The department aims to reduce the use of compendiums as long as good digital solutions exist. To the extent possible, it is recommended that the syllabus is available electronically, for example through the University Library's journal database. Compendiums are time-consuming and expensive to produce and go through many stages. We risk rejections from publishers, and the processes take time.

Note: If syllabus lists with literature are not delivered on time, we risk that compendiums are not ready for the start of the semester.

How to order?

No changes in the compendium used last time? Notify us about this before the deadline.

Changes in the compendium?

  • If the contribution(s) have not been used in compendiums before, you need to scan them and send them to the syllabus coordinator, or ask the syllabus coordinator for assistance. If a book is submitted for copying, it is important to specify the number of pages to be copied and indicate where the book should be returned.
  • If the contribution(s) have previously been included in a compendium, the Graphic Centre will find this information in their database.
Publisert 27. feb. 2024 17:31 - Sist endret 27. feb. 2024 17:31