Course responsibility - who does what?

Here follows a description of responsibility distribution between the course coordinator and the administration. This distribution is agreed upon by the leader group at ISS.


Course coordinator

Study administration

Course description Formulate the content. Administrative procedures within the programme council (PC)

Course changes (name, form of evaluation, teaching structure)

Formulate the content.

Administrative procedures within the PC.

Administrative procedures in relation to the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Development of a course

You can apply for extra resources to develop new pedagogical schemes. Contact the Head of studies.



Provide a complete reading list.

Administrative procedures in the PC, ordering, publication online.

Detailed teaching plan

Set up a teaching plan, publication online.

Publication online (by agreement), updates for changes.

Find lecturers

Propose lecturers in cooperation with the Head of studies.

Contact lecturers as required, prepare contracts and payment vouchers / arrange purchase of release time.

Find seminar tutors

Propose seminar tutors, in collaboration with Head of studies.

Contact seminar tutors as required, prepare contracts and payment vouchers / arrange purchase of release time.

Follow-up of seminar tutors

Follow up seminar tutors in accordance with the academic seminar programme.

Canvas is the main learning management system for education at the UiO Set up the course in Canvas, and get aquainted with Canvas through courses, manuals and colleagues Publish administrative messages in Canvas. ISS has one administrative super user for Canvas.

Follow-up of mandatory seminar requirements

Decide whether a student meets the attendance requirements when the seminar tutor is in doubt

Deliver attendance lists for seminar tutors, register approved / not approved mandatory requirements according to lists completed by the seminar tutors. Receive and register sick notes.


Formulate the content and follow-up.

Assist with the practical organising of evaluations in relation to the students and the registration of results.

Examination text

Design and quality assure the examination text.

Arrange for translation into Nynorsk/English and send the final text to the Faculty.

Digital examinations (Inspera)

Design and quality assure the examination text, enter the text into Inspera (digital examination tool), perform digital grading.

Arrange for translation into Nynorsk/English, responsibility for organising the examinations in Inspera until the grading has been published.

Examiner guidelines.

Design and quality assure the examiner guidelines.

Send the examiner guidelines to the examiners, publish guidelines when grades are published.

Grading one's own course.

Whenever possible.


Find examiners*

Propose examiners in cooperation with the Head of studies.

Recruit examiners, send the examination papers, prepare contracts, publish grading results.

Published June 4, 2021 12:09 PM - Last modified June 4, 2021 12:09 PM