Standardized rates for recording videos

Standardized rates for recording that includes or replaces traditional lectures.

The following guidelines have been developed by the heads of studies at ISS 22.06.2020

Recording that includes or replaces traditional lectures, is accounted for as usual lecture, i.e. a double-hour lecture. Some examples:

  1. Recorded full lecture with Powerpoint recordings or equivalent.
  2. Recorded short video clips, combined with synchronous teaching via Zoom.
  3. Guest lecturer makes (for example) a simple format 20-30 minutes video followed by synchronous teaching by course convenor via Zoom.

Two important clarifications about this teaching form:

  • Videos are discouraged for traditional lectures (ref. 2 x 45 minutes). Pre-recorded lectures are (should be) more time-effective; shorter videos are OK and preferably several short video-clips rather than a long one.
  • When using video clips in combination with synchronous teaching in Zoom, the traditional 2x45-minute teaching format will not always be appropriate. If the total time of teaching is shorter than 2x45 min, the course coordinator should explain the reason for this clearly to the students in order to avoid possible complaints about lost teaching time. More advanced short films/video clips that become a permanent learning tool will be accounted for in a more discretionary manner.
  • The starting point is that the course coordinator suggests the content and estimated number of hours involved in the production. The maximum amount of hours accounted is 10 hours for a video clip (estimated for a finished film of up to 10 minutes).
  • ISS has a YouTube channel and videos on the level of e.g. this  are accounted for 10 hours. (Hours to LINK have as separate allocation). This kind of videos are expected to have a high degree of use as teaching tool and will be posted on this Youtube channel.

Other forms of recording that come up will be decided discretionarily and in accordance to the guidelines above.

Publisert 20. sep. 2021 17:31 - Sist endret 20. sep. 2021 17:31