How to create extended deadlines in Canvas

When students are granted extended deadlines by the administration, you will in some cases need to know how to create an extended deadline in Canvas.


1. Access the course in Canvas and choose "Assignments" (Oppgaver).

2. Choose the right assignment and press "Edit" (Rediger).

3. Press "+Add" on the bottom of the page (+Legg til).

4. Assign to the student(s) who were granted the extension (Tilordne til).

  • Do not edit the assignment that is assigned to "Everyone".

5. Add the new deadline.

  • NB! Fill out all the fields (see picture below). We recommend making the assignment available 15 minutes past the deadline in case of technical issues for students who submit last minute.

Picture 1: How adding extended deadline looks like in Canvas.
Photo 1: What it looks like in Canvas when you are editing the assignment and adding a new deadline to a specific student. Remember to fill out all four fields.
Publisert 15. mai 2024 13:14 - Sist endret 10. juni 2024 09:54