Internal all-day seminar for NCHR employees, followed by dinner

All NCHR employees are invited to attend this internal all-day seminar, to be held at M/S Oslofjord, which lies at Vippetangen. The ship lies at quay from 0830-1230, sails to "Vestfjorden" from 1230-1900, via Bygdøynes at 1500 for drop-off. Return to Vippetangen at 1900.   Se kart for båtens plassering.

0830-0900: Coffee, tea, light snack

0900-0915: Welcome/intro. Nils

0915-1030: Should States Ratify Human Rights Conventions?.
What have we done, what did we find? Andreas Føllesdal, Geir Ulfstein, Anne Julie Semb. Comments: Professor Janne Haaland Matlary

1030-1045: Break

1045-1130: Where is the NCHR heading?
Brief status reports on current organisational processes.
Nils. Siri, Kristin, Jan and Daniel fill in.

1130-1230: Lunch

1230-1500: Implementing the new NCHR strategy in practice: Thematic organisation of accademic work at NCHR.
Group organisers present new thematic groups for discussion. Jan Henrik Bjørnstad coordinates.

ca. 1500: Transit at the quay on Bygdøynes for those who are not able to stay for dinner.

1500-1900: Discussion, socialising, and dinner.



Publisert 24. nov. 2015 16:03