Lunsjseminar: Nils Butenschøn presenterer ny bok: The Middle East in Transition. The Centrality of Citizenship

Boken er publisert på det britiske akademiske forlaget Edward Elgar Publisher.


Nils Butenschøn vil først presentere boka og prosjektet som ligger bak, deretter presenterer han sitt kapittel om statsborgerskap som et inntak til å forstå grunntrekk i den israelsk-palestinske konflikten.

The Middle East in Transition

The Centrality of Citizenship

Edited by Nils A. Butenschøn, Professor, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway and Roel Meijer, Associate Professor, Radboud University, Faculty of Religion, Theology and Religious Studies, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
The violent transitions that have dominated developments since the Arab Uprisings demonstrate deep-seated divisions in the conceptions of state authority and citizen rights and responsibilities. Analysing the Middle East through the lens of the ‘citizenship approach’, this book argues that the current diversity of crisis in the region can be ascribed primarily to the crisis in the relations between state and citizen. The volume includes theoretical discussions and case studies, and covers both Arab and non-Arab countries.

Tekst fra, og les mer på, Edward Elgar Publisher.


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Publisert 24. aug. 2018 13:59 - Sist endret 27. aug. 2018 15:27