Lunch Seminar: Authoritarian Neoliberal Workfare Regime and Silent Surrender: The making of Neoliberal subjects under the military government in Thailand 2014-2018’

With Sustarum Thammaboosadee, PhD, College of Interdisciplinary Studies Thammasat University, Visiting Scholar at the NCHR.


Authoritarian government in Thailand constructs the new definition of ‘Human Rights under Thai characteristic’. There are many law enforcements, the economic policy which is benefit monopolised business and the constitution which limit freedom and open-democracy. It is not traditional authoritarian which use major repressive forces. The relatively open-economy and trickle down economic policy cause the decreasing of political-economic power in majority Thai People.

It is more than 20 years that Neoliberalism generates inequality and economic insecurity among enormous economic growth in Thailand. Majority of poor people shouldered economic vulnerability along with the higher degree of the wealth gap in society. The increasing of economic insecurity leads to the crisis of human dignity, the accessibility to basic welfare becomes more difficult and expensive. The wealthy and upper middle class can access to good health care and education while the majority poor received mean-test benefit or poor state-provided facility. According to low income, poor welfare and long working hour led to the lacked social and political freedom. World Bank Report on intergenerational social mobility shows that only 15% of Thai who was born in the bottom half of Thai society will stay in the top 25% of society. Lacking proper universal welfare led to the crisis of human rights and human dignity.

Social struggle under capitalism state can generate dynamic welfare rights under democratic condition. In 2001, universal health care was introduced. The universal pension was launched in 2009 though it is only 15 USD/per month in the beginning. The implication is that democratic society plays a significant part as the political shell for capitalism state in Thailand. The more democratic struggle led to more opportunity for comprehensive welfare.

Nevertheless, the growth of the neoliberal elite’s wealth continuously expands. The universal welfare development was obstructed to avoid the increasing of progressive tax which possible to invade rich’s benefit. The quality and service were limited, the middle class are forced to buy private insurance and private education to secure their status while the majority poor is restrained with their economic status.

Under military rule since 2014, the junta obviously ally themselves with the Neoliberal elite. More than the general behaviour of authoritarian’s oppression; Thai military government abolishes the welfare rights of Thai people via the neoliberal mechanism. Thai authoritarian establish a new definition of welfare rights. The political power of the neoliberal elite is increased along with the granted mega project. The idea of universal comprehensive welfare was assigned synonym with the ‘exhausted utopia’. The government introduces mean-test welfare policy via ‘poor card’. The government reflects their ambition on co-pay scheme on universal healthcare. Including the reduction of progressive tax under the illogical of increase intensive for the rich to pay tax, the spirit of entrepreneurship has replaced the concept of state-citizenship relations. Self-sacrificed for the family became the primary duty for each than political participation.

Under an uneasy condition, the democratic movement in Thailand must consider the battle for welfare state as the major part of a democratic restoration. Making democracy matter for everyone, the proposal of universal-comprehensive welfare will empower democratic culture in Thailand and dilapidate the power both the authoritarian regime and neoliberal elite.


Publisert 28. juni 2018 14:41 - Sist endret 21. nov. 2018 11:46