Seminar: Sustainability and Human Rights, an Approach to Business – Angola

This research is a short analysis on the impact of businesses in Angola, and Human rights with visiting scholar João Francisco.


Nowadays, Angola, in Africa, has an important role in international relations with many countries, regarding political and economic frameworks, trade, exploitation of resources, security, and so on.  The economy, trade, and exploitation of resources can be seen as the most important due to the country’s need for growth and development. 

Many businesses go to Angola (including Oil and Gas Companies, Diamond Companies, Construction Companies and Extractives Industries etc.) to work and establish their business. Therefore, the impact can be positive due to the increase in jobs and contribution to the country’s growth and development.  Nevertheless, sometimes, negative impacts occur when they cause problem in the communities, environmental pollution, and air, soil and water contamination. Exploiting natural resources outside national and international rules violates basic fundamental rights or human rights.

The aim of this presentation is to analyse how states could change their approach according to a sustainability perspective; by learning how Norway has incorporated the rules of sustainability in their domestic legislation and public politics.

Furthermore, Angola and Norway are partners [business, politics and human rights], and Norway can help Angola to implement sustainability and human rights into their public policies.

Last but not least, I will talk with professors with expertise and who are working with the same theme on sustainability, development and Human Rights, in Norway, Latin America and Africa. I believe they have great experience for sharing.

Publisert 11. des. 2018 09:20 - Sist endret 11. des. 2018 09:44