Repko's steg for tverrfaglig samarbeid

Allen Repko (2008) har skissert ut en stegvis modell som en guide i tverrfaglige forskningsprosesser. Selv om de syv stegene fremstår som en rangert liste, er prosessen i seg selv iterativ og dynamisk.

Repko’s steg:

    1. Define the problem.
    2. Explain why solving the problem requires an interdisciplinary approach.
    3. Identify the possible contributions of the various disciplines.
    4. Conduct a literature review.
    5. Identify the differences and similarities between the various disciplinary understandings.
    6. Create common ground.
    7. Integrate the different understandings and draw conclusions.


Repko, A (2008). Interdisciplinary Research; process and theory. Los Angeles: Sage

Publisert 23. mai 2024 10:17 - Sist endret 23. mai 2024 10:17