Belonging and teamwork – how can staff and students ally for change?

How does UiO meet student needs, and how do students engage with UiO? LINK invites for a dialogue and a snack, join in!

Belonging and teamwork is important to a well functioning learning environment. Will you share your thoughts and experiences? We are all ears! 

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LINKS Report

January 2022 LINK published a report on students’ psychosocial learning environment and their experience of UiO’s offers of academic support (in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic).  

The report finds that students are mostly satisfied with what UiO offers academically, but that many feel lonely, isolated and left to their own devices when it comes to social arenas and support. These findings can be supported by other surveys, such as SHoT. The report also indicates that students desire more contact and understanding between students and staff.


Separately from the report, some among UiOs staff express a desire to see their efforts meet students’ needs. They also wonder why some efforts seem to go unnoticed or are not made use of by the students.

In order to find solutions and belongingness we believe students and staff should have more meeting arenas. At this event, we wish to provide such a meeting space so we can discuss possible solutions with a panel debate open to public participation.


Doors open from 2 PM. Fruit, cookies and refreshments are served.

2.15 PM - Presentations, panel discussion and free flow dialogue. 


  • Report and context presentation from Rebekka Walle and Tobias Tungland, LINK  

Panel Participants

  • Oline Marie Sæther, Officer of Academic Affairs at Student Parliament, Circle-U Officer and SULF-contact

  • Tobias Rade Evensen, Deputy Chairman of the Legal Student Committee and CF Futurum, Chairman of the Board of Folkeliggjort

  • Markus Keller, Lecturer at The Faculty of Theology 

  • Nika Arevadze, Independent researcher, MPhil Candidate in Theory and Practice of Human Rights, University of Oslo

Audience participation and questions for the panel are warmly encouraged. 

Sign up for the event!

This event is a part of LINKs Snakk om series which we use to discuss topics, important for students and staff. The shared ideas and solutions are implemented in our continuous efforts to improve conditions for work and studying at UiO. 

Publisert 23. mars 2022 15:32 - Sist endret 27. mai 2024 15:25