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Tidligere disputaser - Side 52

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MSc Caroline Farsjø Aure at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis Technology-mediated patient engagement in nutrition care. Opportunities for early intervention to support health and independence in old age for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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Cand.med. Natalie Lie Berntsen at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis The role of natural killer T cells in biliary immunology and disease for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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Msc Marthe Jøntvedt Jørgensen at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis Characterization of Innate and Adaptive Immunity – Possible Targets for Host-Directed Therapy in Tuberculosis for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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MSc. Elif Senem Köksal at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis «Surface-assisted formation and development of model protocells» for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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MD Charlotte Larsen Ness at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis Uveal Melanoma: Genetic and Epigenetic Characterisation for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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Master Filipa de Sousa ved Institutt for pedagogikk vil forsvare sin avhandling "A Dialogic Approach to Game-Based Learning - The Role of the Teacher in Students’ Engagement with Ethics and Morality in Citizenship Education Using a Commercial Off-the-Shelf Videogame." for graden PhD.

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Doctoral candidate Ilse van Herck at the Department of informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Biophysical and pharmacological properties of small conductance calcium-activated potassium channels for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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Master Camilla Gudmundsdatter Magnusson ved Instiutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning vil forsvare sin avhandling "Lesedidaktiske praksiser i norskfaget på ungdomstrinnet. Læreres lesestrategiundervisning og tekstavhengige spørsmål – og elevers metakognitive kunnskap om egen lesing." for graden PhD.

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Master Michel Alexandre Cabot ved Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning vil forsvare sin avhandling "Meaningful Grammar Feedback in English Writing Teacher Education" for graden PhD.

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Cand.Psychol. Arne Jan Hjemsæter at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis The long-term course of patients with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental disorders – A longitudinal cohort study of patients entering specialized treatment for substance use disorders in 1997 and 1998 for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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Cand.med. Hanna Josefine Abrahamsson at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis Vitamin D Status and Immune Responsiveness in High-Risk and Advanced Colorectal Cancer for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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MD Heidi Lidal Fidjeland at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis Follow-up of cancer patients in general practice for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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PhD candidate Anna-Marie Winter at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Nonlinearity, irreversibility and surprise – managing Atlantic cod under climate change" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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Master of Modelling and Data Analysis Yunsung Lee at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis Human aging, DNA methylation, and telomere length: Investigating indices of biological aging for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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Msc Sonja Hjellegjerde Brunvoll at Institute of Basic Medical Sciences will be defending the thesis Diet among women with newly diagnosed breast cancer: dietary intake, changes and methodological aspects for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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Ph.d.-kandidat Andreas Alexander ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Measuring glacial channel hydrology for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

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Cand.med. Line Preede at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis Evaluating adapted physical activity-based rehabilitation in people with chronic disabilities for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD).

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Lektor Mari-Anne Sørlie ved Institutt for spesialpedagogikk vil forsvare sin avhandling "Testing the effectiveness of the N-PALS model – a school-wide framework to prevent externalizing student problem behavior" for graden dr.philos.

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MSci Ivana Mikocziova at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis Characterisation of germline immunoglobulin variants from naïve B cell receptor repertoires for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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Doctoral candidate Antoine Blachet at the Department of informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Swath sonar: Advanced waveform modulation and associated signal processing techniques for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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MSc. Julie Nitsche Kvalvik at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis «Design and deposition of CaMoO4 as host for solar down - converters» for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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MSc. Mustafa Sæterdal Kømurcu at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis «Tailoring solid catalysts for the ethene oligomerization reaction» for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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MSc Fikadu Balcha Hailu at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis A nurse-led diabetes self-management education (DSME) program in Ethiopia: Does it work? Effects on Clinical, Behavioral, and Psychosocial Outcomes for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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MSc Birgitte Narud at Institute of Basic Medical Sciences will be defending the thesis Reproductive potential and semen attributes in Norwegian Red bulls for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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MD Harald Hugenschmidt at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis The impact of micrometastasis in presumed resectable pancreatic and periampullary cancers. Circulating tumour cells in the peripheral blood and disseminated tumour cells in the bone marrow as potential tools for risk-assessment before surgery for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).