
  • Mar. 3, 2024

    In February each year, the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra organises Lydo, a concert series targeting children and young people. RITMO was able to join the project and collect data while also doing research dissemination during concerts.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Lab engineer Kayla Burnim (left) prepares everything for departure from RITMO. Suitcases with motion capture suits, eye-tracking glasses, reflective bracelets, and physiological measurement devices get packed for the train ride.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Orchestra producer Eirik Oliver shows the RITMO around in the extraordinary functional Stavanger Concert Hall.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    RITMO researcher Laura Bishop (left) plans the week with conductor Øyvind Bjorå and master of ceremony Nils Christian Fossdal.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    The RITMO team set up recording equipment in a booth next to the stage.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Musicians wait in line to be fitted with a sensor belt for measuring motion, respiration, and heart rate.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Sara D'Amario and Kayla Burnim check that all 70 physiological measurement devices are ready to be handed out to musicians.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Laura Bishop checks that both the eye-tracking glasses and motion capture suit are ready to be tested by conductor Øyvind Bjorå.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Conductor Øyvind Bjorå wore a motion capture suit based on inertial measurement units (3D accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer). A 3D avatar was projected on the screen during the concert to show the audience how the technology works.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Laura Bishop had to repair the motion capture suit after heavy usage during the week.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    RITMO had commissioned a new piece for the experiment by composer and senior lecturer Bjørn Morten Christophersen. Here, he checks the score before a rehearsal with conductor Øyvind Bjorå.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Research assistant Sebastian Fongen Langslet checks the calibration of the eye-tracking glasses worn by the conductor.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Alexander Refsum Jensenius and Ingvild Rosenberg visit the local NRK radio studio in Stavanger to talk about the unique concert experiment. There was much media attention during the week.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    Research fellow Maham Riaz discusses the settings for the lighting design during a rehearsal. Due to the light-sensitive research equipment used, it was important to balance an aesthetically pleasing light for the audience and a functional light for the researchers.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    When arriving for the concert, audience members were asked to wear reflective bracelets so that infrared cameras could capture their motion. Some audience members also filled out questionnaires while others were interviewed.

  • Mar. 3, 2024

    The Lydo week resulted in a huge dataset that will be the source for numerous publications in the years to come. At the Ultima Contemporary Music Festival in Oslo in September 2023, Finn Upham presented some preliminary results based on the piece written by Bjørn Morten Christophersen.