Winter workshop: Presentation skills

RITMO invites all members of the centre's Career Development Program for a half-day workshop on presentation skills.

Welcome to the fifth workshop in the Career Development Programme! The theme for this workshop is presentation skills, and we are very lucky to have three workshop holders with extensive experience with communication and dissemination skills. The workshop is delivered by Ditt uttrykk.

You will be divided into three groups. Two of the groups will be given the workshop in English, while the third group will be given the workshop in Norwegian, but may choose to present in English or Norwegian.

Your assignment


Prepare the introduction to a presentation of the core material of your research (max. 2 min) for a public audience. Make sure you talk to your audience in a way they understand. Without PowerPoint is great, but you may use it if you so desire.

The more familiar you are with your material, the easier it will be for you and the more we will get done. Be prepared that your trainer might ask you to make adjustments of your presentation.


Forbered innledningen til en presentasjon for allmennheten av kjernematerialet fra din forskning (maks. 2 min). Sørg for at du bruker et språknivå alle kan forstå. Gjerne uten PowerPoint, men du kan bruke det hvis du ønsker.

Jo bedre du kjenner stoffet ditt, desto enklere vil det være for deg – og jo mer får vi gjort. Vær forberedt på at kursleder kan komme til å be deg gjøre endringer underveis. Undervisningen foregår på norsk. Dere presenterer på engelsk eller norsk.


Mina Saunte, actress, founder and communication skills trainer. Mina has since 2003 trained and motivated others in improving their dissemination and communication skills. She works with top leaders and service people, in all kinds of professions, including researchers.

Sibeth Hoff is an actress and singer/songwriter and has spent the past seventeen years teaching people from various professions communication and presentation skills, sharing tools and techniques used on stage. She has worked for a wide range of private companies nationally and internationally, ranging from engineers to librarians, shipping managers, doctors and auditors, as well as within financial and political government institutions. 

Maiken Ostermann er utdannet skuespiller og har kurset i kommunikasjon og presentasjonsteknikk siden 2005. Hun jobber bla. mye med jurister og har hatt oppdrag med forskere og stipendiater tidligere.

Published Nov. 17, 2021 9:42 AM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2021 4:26 PM