Food & Paper: Musical Intermittency (Godøy)

Professor Rolf Inge Godøy will give a talk on musical intermittency. 

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One major topic in music perception, music analysis, music information retrieval and related domains, is how listeners parse continuous streams of sound into more discontinuous chunks. One possible source of such parsing could be in the so-called intermittency of motor control and effort in sound-producing body motion. In my talk, I'll focus on my ongoing research exploring such intermittency in musical experience.



My main interest is in phenomenological approaches to music theory, meaning taking subjective impressions of musical sound as the point of departure for music theory, exploring the content of these subjective images of musical sound, and then correlating these images with the acoustic features of musical sound. I have thus previously been focusing mostly on mental images of musical sound, including work on Musical Imagery, but in the last decades, also on exploring music-related body motion. This led me to directing the Musical Gestures Project (2004-2007) and the Sensing Music-Related Actions Project (2008-2012), as well as participating in several topically related European research projects, projects using various conceptual and technological tools to explore the relationships between sound and body motion in the experience of music. My involvement in these projects has resulted in a number of publications within the area of music-related body motion, including a book edited with my Belgian colleague Marc Leman on musical gestures (Godøy and Leman 2010). I continued my work on music-related body motion in the interdisciplinary fourMs Group that I directed at the University of Oslo from 2013 to 2016, work that I now continue in the RITMO Centre of Excellence.

Published May 13, 2020 2:28 PM - Last modified May 13, 2020 2:29 PM