Food and Paper: The effect of color and pupil diameter on temporal perception (Yuya Kinzuka)

This week's Food and Paper will be given by Yuya Kinzuka (Toyohashi University of Technology)

Image may contain: Glasses, Smile, Facial expression, Vision care, Sleeve.


As the ability to precisely ascertain time duration are central to essentially all behaviors, scholars have studied temporal perception since the earliest days of experimental psychology. Since the 1960s, the ubiquity of color has been driving research on the potential effects of colors (especially red and blue) on temporal perception. However, the results have been inconsistent, which could be attributed to the difficulty of controlling physical properties such as luminance and the kind of method to use to control the intensity of the stimuli. Within this talk, I will present the results and findings from a series of temporal perception experiments conducted in my PhD research, aiming to answer which color, red or blue, is perceived longer in different equiluminant conditions and how pupil diameter and temporal perception can be related.



Yuya Kinzuka received his bachelor's degree in Engineering and M.E. from the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan. He is currently a PhD student in computer science and engineering at Toyohashi University of Technology and a research fellow for young scientists at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. In addition to his interest in computer science and data analysis, he has worked on psychophysical experiments since his bachelor days; therefore, his research major is in cognitive psychology studies. In particular, his work focuses on the quantitative evaluation of aspects of subjective perception using physiological measurement, including pupillometry. He is now enjoying the last year of his PhD as a short-term guest at RITMO, working with Prof. Bruno Laeng on a pupillometry project.


Published Aug. 25, 2022 4:58 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2022 3:20 PM