
Demo sessions will take place during breaks and free times throughout the workshop.

Monday 21 November 2022 @Salen*

An example of real-time Granger Causality analysis within an Entangled Instrument (Steve Symons)

EAR Stretch Conductor Interface (Emily Graber)

Self-Playing Guitars (Sebastian Fongen)

Tuesday 22 November 2022 @Forsamlingssalen*

Continuous gestural interactions in live coding (Georgios Diapoulis)

Investigating the Lived Experience of Statistical AI with Microphenomenology and Notochord (Victor Shepardson)

Working with AI to create the world of The Hum (Bálint Laczkó)

BioPoint: A multimodal physiological wearable sensor (Ulysse Côté-Allard)

Robotic drummer with embodied cognition (Mojtaba Karbasi)

The iOSCahedron - developing a hybrid spatialization instrument (Florian Goeschke)


*Note: Demo sessions will take place in open spaces around the dedicated lecture halls. 
Published Oct. 25, 2022 11:24 AM - Last modified Nov. 21, 2022 2:42 PM