MIRAGE Symposium #2: Music, emotions, analysis, therapy ... and computer

The 2nd MIRAGE Symposium covers a broad range of topics related to the MIRAGE project, mainly related to music and emotion, music cognition in general, music analysis and music therapy. Featuring two keynotes by Patrik Juslin and Didier Grandjean.

Patrik Juslin and Didier Grandjean, the keynote speakers

How to get there

Enter the Harald Schjelderups building from Inngang 1 and follow the signs.

Symposium description

The 2nd MIRAGE Symposium covers a broad range of topics related to the MIRAGE project, mainly related to music and emotion, music cognition in general, music analysis and music therapy. Featuring two keynotes by Patrik Juslin and Didier Grandjean.

Another core part of the MIRAGE project is presented during the Special Event on May 16, related to Norwegian Folk Music and Computational Analysis

Symposium programme


The first part of the programme is on site only, without live streaming.

9:45 Welcome, MIRAGE project Olivier Lartillot (RITMO)

Keynote: From mere sounds to personal significance: Towards an idiographic approach to explaining musical emotions


Patrik Juslin (Uppsala University)
11:00 Quick break
11:10 Computational audio and music analysis, applied to the study of emotion Olivier Lartillot & Patrik Juslin
11:30 Chilling musical features Bruno Laeng (RITMO), Tejaswinee Kelkar (IMV), Rolf Inge Godøy (IMV/RITMO) & Olivier Lartillot
12:00 Lunch break

Keynote: The origins and characterization of musical emotions: A neuroscientific perspective


Didier Grandjean (University of Geneva)
13:45 Tempo and metre analysis from audio recordings

Olivier Lartillot & Didier Grandjean

13:55 Break

The second part of the programme will be hybrid. Online access via a Zoom webinar.

Enter webinar


14:10 Towards understanding emotion communicated through performance of orchestral music: Preliminary results Carlos Eduardo Cancino-Chacón (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
14:30 Mental effort and expressive interaction in expert and student string quartet performance Laura Bishop (RITMO), Simon Høffding (University of Southern Denmark),
Bruno Laeng & Olivier Lartillot (RITMO)
14:50 Video visualization of a string quartet performance of a Bach Fugue: Design and subjective evaluation Olivier Lartillot, Dana Swarbrick & Finn Upham (RITMO) & Carlos Eduardo Cancino-Chacón
15:10 Break

Patterns and interaction in music therapy

  • Anja Volk (Utrecht University) (remotely): Computational music analysis for music therapy
  • Olivier Lartillot: Music Therapy Toolbox, and prospects
  • Thomas Wosch (remotely) & Bastian Vobig (THWS), Olivier Lartillot & Anna-Maria Christodoulou (RITMO): HIGH-M (Human Interaction assessment and Generative segmentation in Health and Music)
  • Clemens Maidhof, Kat Agres, Jörg Fachner (all remotely) & Olivier Lartillot: Intra- and inter-brain coupling during music therapy
  • Laura Bishop (RITMO): Musical dialogue and intersubjectivity in partner-play improvisations
  • General discussion

with the remote participation of:

  • Karette Stensæth (Centre for Research in Music and Health (CREMAH), Norwegian Academy of Music)
  • David Meredith (Aalborg University, MIRAGE Scientific Advisory Board)
  • Christina Anagnostopoulou (University of Athens)
17:45 Closing


If you have any questions, please get in touch with Olivier Lartillot.


Published Feb. 20, 2023 3:29 PM - Last modified June 9, 2023 2:02 PM