Lab opening


The new research lab was officially opened last Friday by Hans Weisethaunet and Morten Dæhlen, heads of departments of musicology and informatics respectively. In their speeches they both underlined the importance of interdisciplinary research across the faculty borders.

Director of the Sensing Music-related Actions project Rolf Inge Godøy held a short introduction to the project and to the new research lab, and announced the new name for the lab: fourMs - Music, Mind, Motion, Machines. The name has a double meaning in that it refers to the four M"s that will be the focus of the lab, while also sounding like forms.

Participants at the opening got the chance to test out various action-sound applications set up in the sonic interaction design room of the lab.

Our new infrared motion capture system from Optitrack was up and running.

People could try playing "air piano" on a Yamaha Disklavier with control from a Polhemus Patriot electromagnetic tracking system.

Video analysis was used so people could control sound spatialisation in a small 8 channel speaker setup in the innermost room in the lab.

The event reached the cultural news on national TV, and the clip can be watched here (in Norwegian). Below is an image of Rolf Inge Godøy being interviewed before the opening.

By Alexander Refsum Jensenius
Published July 23, 2012 3:29 PM - Last modified July 29, 2022 8:35 AM