Gesture Controlled Audio Systems (2004-2007) (completed)

Gesture Controlled Audio Systems (ConGAS) was an EU COST Action running from 2004 to 2007.

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Gesture is a wide speculation topic in human-machine interaction research but it has rarely been studied in-depth in systems that involve art and especially digital music. Audio systems (including digital sound synthesis and processing) are a wide field in which the control aspect still needs to be studied and to be linked with scientific investigation upon gesture. The overall goal is to enhance the naturalness of human-computer interaction through more cognitive and intuitive interfaces.

COST Action 287 ConGAS intended to improve knowledge and operational processes in the field of sound and gesture interfaces. The main research focus was the development of different gesture data analysis and capture/actuation aspects connected to the control of digital sound and music processing.

During the course of the Action, relevant topics such as multi-modal interface research, user interfaces, as well as mathematical/scientific problems, practical implementations, structures of musical/instrumental gestures, multi-platform and multi-operating-system integrations, networking protocols were addressed. The results have contributed to the advancement of the state-of-the-art in the field and have been widely disseminated through Web-pages, international journal publications and conferences/workshops (e.g. ICMC, SMC, NIME).

COST 287 initiated the elaboration of the Gesture Description Interchange Format (GDIF) aiming at standardising gesture related information, and which is recognised as an important step towards structured gesture data representation and system integration.

 Action 287 was exemplary in terms of connecting interdisciplinary fields that are part not only of the ‘two cultures’ (C.P. Snow) of natural sciences and the humanities, but also the third culture of concrete applications of technological devices like sensors and interfaces. ConGas succeeded in bringing together these cultures, thus stimulating an interdisciplinary dialog while coordinating research endeavors, which is a crucial point in the sustainable development of information technology. In fact, the acceptance and benefit of applications in society and culture is directly linked with economic success. To reach this goal it is necessary to rise and support a techno-cultural perspective in the scientific community. In this respect, the ConGas-Action has a prototypical character for projects that encourage and establish this kind of perspective.

Tags: eu, cost, gesture, audio, hci, music, sound
Published Aug. 15, 2012 11:45 AM - Last modified Aug. 27, 2020 10:54 PM