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AMBIENT: Kroppslig synkronisering til audiovisuelle rytmer

Hvordan påvirker rytmer mennesker?

Om prosjektet

AMBIENT skal undersøke hvordan rytmer påvirker mennesker. En tikkende klokke er en lydlig rytme. Et blinkende lys er en visuell rytme. Slike lydlige og visuelle rytmer blandes til audiovisuelle rytmer i et rom.

Vår hypotese er at slike audiovisuelle rytmer påvirker folk, bevisst eller ubevisst. Dette vil først bli studert gjennom månedslange observasjonsstudier av folk som jobber alene på kontor. Vi skal måle de audiovisuelle rytmene og sammenligne disse med både kvalitative og kvantitative data fra deltagerne.

Deretter skal vi studere hvordan folk samarbeider gjennom nettbaserte verktøy. Målet er å utvikle en helhetlig teori om audiovisuelle og spatiotemporale rytmer. Til slutt skal vi utforske interaktive systemer for å gjenskape audiovisuelle rytmer i et nettbasert klasserom.




Norges forskningsråd, prosjektnummer 324003


RITMO Senter for tverrfaglig forskning på rytme, tid og bevegelse


  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2024). Embodied music learning. I Schilhab, Theresa & Groth, Camilla (Red.), Embodied Learning and Teaching using the 4E Cognition Approach: Exploring Perspectives in Teaching Practices. Routledge. ISSN 9781003341604. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guo, Jinyue & McFee, Brian (2023). Automatic Recognition of Cascaded Guitar Effects. I Serafin, Stefania; Fontana, Federico & Willemsen, Silvin (Red.), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects. Aalborg University Copenhagen. ISSN 2413-6700. s. 189–195. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7973536.
  • Riaz, Maham (2023). An Investigation of Supervised Learning in Music Mood Classification for Audio and MIDI. I Andreopoulou, Areti & Boren, Braxton (Red.), Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 155th Convention. Audio Engineering Society, Inc..
  • Riaz, Maham & Christodoulou, Anna-Maria (2023). Using SuperCollider with OSC Commands for Spatial Audio Control in a Multi-Speaker Setup. I Andreopoulou, Areti & Boren, Braxton (Red.), Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 155th Convention. Audio Engineering Society, Inc..
  • Riaz, Maham; Upham, Finn; Burnim, Kayla; Bishop, Laura & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Comparing inertial motion sensors for capturing human micromotion, Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2023. SMC Network . ISSN 978-91-527-7372-7. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8316051. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Karbasi, Seyed Mojtaba; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Godøy, Rolf Inge & Tørresen, Jim (2023). Exploring Emerging Drumming Patterns in a Chaotic Dynamical System using ZRob. I Ortiz, Miguel & Marquez-Borbon, Adnan (Red.), Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. ISSN 2220-4792. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Masu, Raul; Morreale, Fabio & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). The O in NIME: Reflecting on the Importance of Reusing and Repurposing Old Musical Instruments. I Ortiz, Miguel & Marquez-Borbon, Adnan (Red.), Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. ISSN 2220-4792.
  • Remache-Vinueza, Byron; Trujillo-León, Andrés; Clim, Maria-Alena; Sarmiento-Ortiz, Fabián; Topon-Visarrea, Liliana & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Mapping Monophonic MIDI Tracks to Vibrotactile Stimuli Using Tactile Illusions. I Saitis, Charalampos; Farkhatdinov, Ildar & Papetti, Stefano (Red.), Haptic and Audio Interaction Design. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-031-15019-7.
  • Lesteberg, Mari & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). MICRO and MACRO - Developing New Accessible Musicking Technologies. I Iber, Michael & Enge, Kajetan (Red.), Audio Mostly 2022: What you hear is what you see? Perspectives on modalities in sound and music interaction. ACM Publications. ISSN 978-1-4503-9701-8. s. 147–150. doi: 10.1145/3561212.3561231. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2021). Best versus Good Enough Practices for Open Music Research. Empirical Musicology Review. ISSN 1559-5749. 16(1). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Laczko, Balint & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2021). Reflections on the Development of the Musical Gestures Toolbox for Python. I Kantan, Prithvi Ravi; Paisa, Razvan & Willemsen, Silvin (Red.), Proceedings of the Nordic Sound and Music Computing Conference. Aalborg Universitetsforlag. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2024). Sonic Design: Explorations Between Art and Science. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-031-57892-2. 347 s. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Sound Actions: Conceptualizing Musical Instruments. MIT Press. ISBN 9780262544634. 304 s. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Laczko, Balint (2024). Video Visualization.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2024). Stod stille hver dag i 10 minutter. [TV]. NRK Helgemorgen.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Lilleeng, Sverre (2024). Professor stillstand. [Internett]. NRK.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Jerve, Karoline Ruderaas (2024). Verdens største musikkeksperiment. [Fagblad]. Ballade.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2024). Hvorfor trenger vi lisenser på data?
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2024). Interdisciplinarity.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2024). Musikk, Data og KI.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2024). Hjernen i sentrum: Kunst.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Burnim, Kayla (2023). Forskere inntok Konserthuset. [Avis]. Stavanger Aftenblad.
  • Haaland, Tonette N. & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). SSO deltar i forskning: – Skal finne ut hvordan musikk påvirker oss. [Avis]. Rogalands avis.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Rosenberg, Ingvild (2023). Unik forskningskonsert. [Radio]. NRK P1.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Exploring large datasets of human, music-related standstill.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Poutaraud, Joachim (2023). Video Visualization.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Sound Actions: An Embodied approach to a Digital Organology.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Explorations of human micromotion through standing still.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Rhythmic Data Science.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Wishful thinking about CVs: Perspectives from a researcher.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Conceptualizing Musical Instruments.
  • Olaisen, Sofie Retterstøl; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Vuoskoski, Jonna Katariina (2023). Una må danse når ho høyrer musikk: – Eit urgamalt instinkt. [Internett]. NRK.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Observing spaces while standing still.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). RITMO Senter for tverrfaglig forskning på rytme, tid og bevegelse.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Innovasjon og åpen forskning.
  • Riaz, Maham (2023). An Investigation of Supervised Learning in Music Mood Classification for Audio and MIDI.
  • Guo, Jinyue (2023). Automatic Recognition of Cascaded Guitar Effects.
  • Riaz, Maham (2023). Using SuperCollider with OSC Commands for Spatial Audio Control in a Multi-Speaker Setup.
  • Riaz, Maham (2023). Sound Design in Unity: Immersive Audio for Virtual Reality Storytelling.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Exploring Human Micromotion Through Standing Still.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Explorations of human micromotion through standing still.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Sound Actions - Conceptualizing Musical Instruments.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Sound Actions: Conceptualizing Musical Instruments.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Introducing MusicLab.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Tverrfaglig forskning på rytme, tid og bevegelse.
  • Riaz, Maham; Upham, Finn; Burnim, Kayla; Bishop, Laura & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Comparing inertial motion sensors for capturing human micromotion.
  • Masu, Raul; Morreale, Fabio & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). The O in NIME: Reflecting on the Importance of Reusing and Repurposing Old Musical Instruments.
  • Karbasi, Seyed Mojtaba; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Godøy, Rolf Inge & Tørresen, Jim (2023). Exploring Emerging Drumming Patterns in a Chaotic Dynamical System using ZRob.
  • Bukvic, Ivica Ico; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Wittman, Hollis & Masu, Raul (2023). Implementing the new template for NIME music proceedings with the community.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Conceptualizing Musical Instruments.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Zürn, Christof (2023). Standing still with Alexander Refsum Jensenius. [Internett]. The Power of Music Thinking.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Tidemann, Grethe (2023). Cristin forsvinner. Uklart hva som blir bedre i det nye systemet. [Internett]. Uniforum.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Tytko, James (2023). Emerging tech creates music from dance movements. [Internett]. The Naked Scientists.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). How Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable data enables research-led education.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Still Standing: The effects of sound and music on people standing still.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Still Standing: The effects of sound and music on people standing still.
  • Serdar Göksülük, Bilge (2023). Phenomenological Inquiry of Movement as a Methodology in Performing Arts Education.
  • Serdar Göksülük, Bilge (2023). The Challenges and Possibilities of The Hybrid Format Creative Process.
  • Serdar Göksülük, Bilge (2023). The Implications of Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies in the Field of Dance Anthropology.
  • Serdar Göksülük, Bilge (2023). Hybrid Format Movement Training Under the Pandemic Measures: A Clash Between Physical and Digital Realm.
  • Serdar Göksülük, Bilge (2023). Embodied Knowledge Production Through Telematics in the Hybrid Realm.
  • Serdar Göksülük, Bilge (2023). Digital Intervention Into Dramaturgical Thoughts.
  • Serdar Göksülük, Bilge (2023). Performative Quality of Aesthetics in Bio-Cultural Paradigm.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Ny teknologi vil alltid endre musikken. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2023). Musikk og kunstig intelligens.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Data? Åpen forskningspraksis for ikke-datadrevne fagfelt.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Erfaringer med å lage 3xMOOC.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Furmyr, Frida; Poutaraud, Joachim; Widmer, Marcus & Laczko, Balint (2022). The Musical Gestures Toolbox for Python.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Kunstfag og åpen forskning.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Exploring music performance and perception through motion capture.
  • Remache-Vinueza, Byron & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Groundbreaking New Technology Allows People To Listen to Music Through Touch. [Internett]. SciTechDaily.
  • Remache-Vinueza, Byron; Trujillo-León, Andrés; Clim, Maria-Alena; Sarmiento-Ortiz, Fabián; Topon-Visarrea, Liliana & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Mapping Monophonic MIDI Tracks to Vibrotactile Stimuli Using Tactile Illusions.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Responsible Research and Innovation in Sound and Music Computing.
  • Langslet, Sebastian Fongen; Code, David Løberg; Smith, Hallie; Riaz, Maham; von Arnim, Hugh Alexander & Poutaraud, Joachim [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). The Self-Playing Guitars at Deichman.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). RITMO and Interdisciplinarity.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). From ideas to reality: interdisciplinary collaborations.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Open music research between art and science.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Publish or Perish? Researcher assessment is about to change.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Alternatives to journal-based metrics in research assessment.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Experiencing the world through sound actions.
  • Lesteberg, Mari & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). MICRO and MACRO - Developing New Accessible Musicking Technologies.
  • al Outa, Amani; Knævelsrud, Helene; Laczko, Balint & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2022). Winner of RRI-inspired transdisciplinary side quest call. [Internett]. Centre for Digital Life Norway.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Platou, Jeanette (2022). Kan kunstig intelligens være kreativ? [Radio]. NRK P2 Arena.
  • Serdar Göksülük, Bilge (2022). From Bodily Interactions to Embodied Concepts.
  • Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2021). Open Research as Communication Strategy.
  • Laczko, Balint & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2021). Reflections on the Development of the Musical Gestures Toolbox for Python.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 1. des. 2021 10:00 - Sist endret 10. juni 2024 20:55


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