Syllabus/achievement requirements

The articles in the syllabus marked with * you will find in a compendium that you can buy in the basement of Akademika/Kopiutsalget, Blindern.


*Dahlerup, Drude. 2018. Has democracy failed women? Cambridge: Polity Press. 


Just for KFL4060: 

*Fehr Drude von der et al. (eds.). 1998. Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society. London: UCL Press


You can get both books at the library or at Akademika, Blindern



Articles on the syllabus without a link are gathered in a compendium which you can buy at Akademika, Blindern.



To get access to the titles with link, you must be logged on to the server of the University of Oslo.


Articles marked x will be made available on Canvas.

Lecture 1: Introduction to the course and to the Nordic welfare state

Kangas, Olli, J. Palme & K. Markus. 2016. “The Nordic Welfare State Model”, in I. Frønes & L. Kjølsrud (eds.). Det Norske Samfunn bind 3. Oslo: Gyldendal. pp. 38-57 (19 p)


Teigen, Mari & H. Skjeie. 2017. “The Nordic Gender Equality Model”, in Knutsen Oddbjørn (ed.) The Nordic Model of political science – challenged, but still viable. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget. p. 125-148 (23 p)



Lecture 2: What is gender equality? Key concepts in the Nordic context

Hernes, Helga. 1987. Excerpts: “Introduction” and “The Transition from Private to Public Dependence”, in H. Hernes. Welfare State and Woman Power: Essays in State Feminism. Oslo: Norwegian University Press. pp. 9-49 (40 p)

ISBN: 82-00-18495-1


Borchorst, Anette & B. Siim. 2002. “The women-friendly welfare states revisited”, in NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 10(2): 90-98 (8 p)


Dahl, Tove Stang. 1984. “Women’s Right to Money”, in H. Holter (ed). Patriarchy in a Welfare Society. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. pp. 46-66 (20 p)

ISBN: 82-00-07058-1


Ellingsæter, Anne Lise. 1999. "Women’s right to work: The interplay of state, market and women’s agency", in NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 7(2-3): 109-123 (15 p)


Ås, Berit. The master suppression techniques. Kilden kjø (9 p)



Lecture 3: Work-family balance – from a family perspective

Korsvik, Trine Rogg. 2011. “Childcare policy since the 1970s in the ‘most gender equal country in the world’: A field of controversy and grassroots activism”, in European Journal of Women's Studies, 18(2): 135-153 (19 p)


Smeby, Kristine Warhuus. 2017. “When work meets childcare – the competing logics of mothering and gender equality”, in B. Brandt, S. Halrynjo & E. Kvande (eds.). Work-Family Dynamics: Competing logics of regulation, economy and morals. London: Routledge. p. 89-104 (15 p)


Nadim, Marjan. 2016. “Undermining the Male Breadwinner Ideal? Understandings of Women’s Paid Work among Second-Generation Immigrants in Norway”, in Sociology 50(1): 109-124 (15 p)


Aarseth, Helene. 2007. “Between Labour and Love: The Re-erotization of Home-making in Egalitarian Couples within a Nordic Context”, in NORA – Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies 15(2-3): 133-143 (10 p)


Halrynjo, Sigtona. 2017. “Exploring the career logic within the Nordic work-family model”, in B. Brandth, S. Halrynjo & E. Kvande. Work-Family Dynamics. Competing Logics of Regulation, Economy and Morals. London: Routledge. pp. 189-206 (17 p)


Master students:

Fraser, Nancy. 1994. “After the Family Wage. Gender Equity and the Welfare State”, in Political Theory 22(4): 591-618 (27 p)


Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum. 2004. “European Gender Lessons: Girls and boys at scout camps in Denmark, Portugal, Russia and Slovakia”, in Childhood 11(2): 207-226 (20 p)


Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum & M. Rudberg. 2000. “Gender, Love and Education in Three Generations. The Way Out and Up”, in The European Journal of Women’s Studies 7(4): 423-453 (31 p)



Lecture 4: Access to the public sphere

*Dahlerup, Drude. 2018. Has democracy failed women? p. 1-68 (68 p)


Teigen, Mari. 2011. "Quotas in Corporate Boards", in K. Niskanen (ed.). Gender and Power in the Nordic Countries – with focus on politics and business. NIKK publication 2011:1. Pp. 87-109 (24 p)


Railo, Erkka. 2014. “Women’s Magazines, the Female Body, and Political Participation”, in NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 22(1): 48-62 (13 p)



Master students:

Lahelma, Elina. 2005. “School Grades And Other Resources: The “Failing Boys” Discourse Revisited”, in NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 13(2): 78-89 (12 p)


Sjørup, Karen. 1998. “The gender relation and professionalism in the post-modern world: social brotherhood and beyond”, in Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society. pp. 217-242 (23 p)



Lecture 5: Men’s involvement in gender equal practices

Bach, Anna Sofie & H. Aarseth. 2016. “Adaptation, equality, and fairness. Towards a sociological understanding of ‘the supportive husband'”, in NORMA: International Journal for Masculine Studies 11(3): 174- 189 (15 p)


Holter, Øystein Gullvåg. 2014. ““What’s in it for men?”: Old question, new data”, in Men and Masculinities 17(5): 515- 548 (34 p)


Farstad, Gunhild R. & K. Stefansen. 2015. “Involved fatherhood in the Nordic context: dominant narratives, divergent approaches”, in NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies 10(1): 55-70 (15 p)


Master students:

Ekenstam, Claes. 2005. “Manly or unmanly? Fear of falling”, in NIKK magasin 3, 27-31 (5 p)


Hearn, Jeff, et al. 2012. “Hegemonic Masculinity and Beyond: 40 Years of Research in Sweden”, in Men and Masculinities 15(1): 31-55 (19 p)



Lecture 6: Branding gender equality + The equality-difference dilemma

Aggestam, Karin et al. 2018. “Theorising feminist foreign policy”, in International Relations 33(1): 23-39 (16 p)


Skjelsbæk, Inger & T. L. Tryggestad. 2018. “Donor States Delivering on WPS. The Case of Norway” in S. E. Davies & J. True (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace, and Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (12 p)


Bjørnholt, Margunn. 2013. “The vulnerability approach: A way of bridging the equality-difference dilemma?”, in Retfærd Årsgang 36 3(142): 25-44 (19 p)


Borchorst, Anette. 2008. “Woman-friendly policy paradoxes? Childcare policies and gender equality visions in Scandinavia”, in K. Melby et al (eds). Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambitions? Bristol: The Polity Press. pp. 27-42 (15 p)


Master students:

*Wetterberg, Christina Carlsson. 1998. "Equal or different? That’s not the question. Women’s political strategies in a historical perspective", in Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society. pp. 21-40 (20 p)


Lecture 7: Gender equality in an intersectional perspective

Gullestad, Marianne. 2007. “Invisible fences: reinventing sameness and difference”, in M. Gullestad. Plausible Prejudice. Everyday experiences and social images of nation, culture and race. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. p 168-192 (24 p)


Knobblock, Ina & R. Kuokkanen. 2015. “Decolonizing Feminism in the North: A Conversation with Rauna Kuokkanen”, in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 23(4): 275-281 (6 p)


Mulinari, Diana. 2008. “Women-friendly? Understanding gendered racism in Sweden”, in K. Melby, A.-B. Ravn & C. W. Carlsson (eds.). Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia: The limits of political ambition? London: Policy Press. p 167 -181 (14 p)


Borchorst, Anette, et al. 2012. “Institutionalizing Intersectionality in the Nordic Countries: Anti-Discrimination and Equality in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden”, in A. Krizsan et al. (eds.) Institutionalizing Intersectionality. The Changing Nature of European Equality Regimes. London: Palgrave Macmillian. p. 59-88 (29 p)


Siim, Birte & H. Skjeie. 2008. “Tracks, intersections and dead ends. Multicultural challenges to state feminism in Denmark and Norway”, in Ethnicities 8(3): 322-344 (22 p)



Lecture 8: Gender-based violence

Morken, Kristin & P. Selle. 1995. “An alternative movement in a'state-friendly'society: the women's shelter movement”, in L. Karvonen & P. Selle. Women in Nordic Politics. Closing the Gap. Dartmouth: Aldershot. pp. 177-201 (24 p) 

ISBN: 1-85521-533-0


Bredal, Anja. 2014. “Ordinary v. Other Violence? Conseptualising Honour Based Violence in Scandinavian Public Policies”, in A. K. Gill et al. (eds.). ‘Honour’ Killing and Violence. Theory, Policy and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 135-155 (20 p).


Keskinen, Suvi. 2011. “Troublesome Differences—Dealing with Gendered Violence, Ethnicity, and ‘Race’in the Finnish Welfare State”, in Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 12(2): 153-172 (19 p)


x Lucas Gottzén. 2018. “Chafing masculinity: Heterosexual violence and young men’s shame”, in Feminism and Psychology.


Eriksson, Maria. 2010. “Children Who “Witness” Violence as Crime Victims and Changing Family Law in Sweden”, in Journal of Child Custody 7(2): 93-116 (23 p)



Lecture 9: Gender equality and transnational care work

Isaksen, Lise Widding. 2010. Global Care Work: Gender and Migration in Nordic Societies. Nordic Academic Press. pp. 9-19 (10 p)

ISBN: 978-91-85509-48-5


Eldén, Sara & T. Anving. 2016. “New ways of doing the ‘good’ and gender equal family: Parents employing nannies and au pairs in Sweden”, in Sociological Research Online 21(4) (13 p)


Sollund, Ragnhild. 2010. “Regarding au pairs in the Norwegian welfare state”, in European Journal of Women's Studies 17(2): 143–160 (17 p)



Lecture 10: Gender equality, a myth or reality?


Lister, Ruth. 2009. “A Nordic Nirvana? Gender, Citizenship, and Social Justice in the Nordic Welfare States”, in Social Politics 16(2): 242-278 (36 p)


Skjeie, Hege & M. Teigen. 2005. “Political Constructions of Gender Equality: Travelling Towards… a Gender Balanced Society”, in NORA – Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies 13(3): 187-197 (11 p)


Master students:

Haavind, Hanne. 1998. “Understanding women in the psychological mode: the challenge from the experience of Nordic women”, in Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society. pp. 243-271 (28 p)


Ve, Hildur. 1998. “Rationality and identity in Norwegian feminism”, in Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society. pp. 325-343 (19 p)






Published June 7, 2019 12:00 PM - Last modified Sep. 2, 2019 2:10 PM