
Published Apr. 3, 2007 11:34 AM

The result are no ready. You can se the list at SKK, or contact Helle Granum at You can also soon read the results at studentweb.

Published Mar. 5, 2007 9:33 AM

Examination paper is to be find to the left at this page! It is to be handed in to Helle Granum at room 422 SKK in tree copys at March 8th between 10 - 11AM.

Published Jan. 16, 2007 12:09 PM

First lessons. Se detailed teaching plan for correct time for lessons.

Published Dec. 22, 2006 3:27 PM

Information meeting will be at the seminar room at Centre for Women`s Studies and Gender Research at Sognsveien 70, 4rd floor. At 09.15 a.m. Welcome!