Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.01.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor  Introduction and gender in the Nordic contexts   Rosenberg, Widerberg, Rogg, Husu  
22.01.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor   Theories on gender   Haavind (1998), Ve, Nielsen  
25.01.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor   Gender politics and equality   Rossilli, Borchorst (1999) x 3, Skjeie and Teigen, Teigen, Lotherington, Rönnblom,The Royal Ministery og Children and Family Affairs, Norway  
29.01.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor   Gender and equality politics continued, women`s rigth to money   Dahl, Ellingsæter, Schunter-Kleemann, Kjelstad, Leira  
01.02.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor   Gendered divisjon of labour: families   Haavind (1984), Brandt and Kvande, Eriksson, Magnusson  
05.02.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor   Education and work organisation   Lahelma, Jensen, Ericsson, Kvande  
08.02.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor   Political participation and representation   Lovenduski, Christensen and Raaum, Raaum, x2, Christensen  
12.02.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor   Ethnic relations   Stoltz, Gressgård, Longva  
15.02.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor   Love and sexualities   Nielsen and Rudberg, Kleven, Månsson, Löfström, Lützen  
23.02.2007Elisabet Rogg  SKK, 5th floor   Summing up    
Published Dec. 15, 2006 11:48 AM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2007 12:09 PM