Exam KFL2060 2012


Examination system

Home examination

23 April at 09:00 to 26 April at 14:00


to be handed in in Fronter


Exam information

During the course each student must give one verbal presentation on a topic decided by the teacher. This presentation must be approved in order to present oneself for the final examination. The final eksamination is a three-days home essay over a given topic. The essay must have a length of min. 6 and max. 8 pages, (2300 characters per page (not counting spaces) references in addition). The essay, written in English, will be assessed according to a scale from A to E for passing, and F for fail.


Regular exam KFL2060 Gender Equality in the Nordic Countries

Drawing upon the reading material, discuss the claim that there have been major changes in the life situation of Nordic women and men in recent decades.


Discuss this claim,

1) by referring to examples and arguments that both support and oppose this claim

2) by exploring the likely causes that may have impacted on the life situation of Nordic women and men.

Published Apr. 23, 2012 8:21 AM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2012 8:31 AM