Movie screening and lecture about Harvey Milk 7 and 10 September






Stuart Milk is the nephew of the American LGBTQ activist and politician Harvey Milk. Milk was the first openly gay politician in the US when he was elected to the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco in 1978. He fought to pass a law that would prohibit discrimination of gay people in San Francisco. Milk was killed later that year. In 2009, Stuart Milk and Anne Kronenberg, Milk's campaign manager and political adviser, established the Harvey Milk Foundation (HMF: <> ​ Their aim is to spread knowledge about the lack of LGBTQ rights around the world.





Stuart Milk is coming to Norway to open the Oslo/Fusion International Film Festival (previously Skeive Filmer), and will give a special talk at the University of Oslo about the activities of HMF.


Introduction by Annette Trettebergstuen, MP for Ap and a board member in HMF.





Time: Thursday 10 September at 17 - 18.45



Place: The University Library, Georg Sverdrups hus, Auditorium 2









To prepare for the lecture, we're showing the movie Milk (dir. Gus Van Sant), about Harvey Milk and his political life. Pizza will be served!






Time: Monday 7 September at 16.15



Place: STK room 420

Published Sep. 7, 2015 9:39 AM