KFL4910 – Internship for Gender Studies

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

The internship must be approved by STK and must be relevant to your studies.

You are responsible for obtaining an internship at an organization, institution, or company. As an intern, you participate in the day-to-day work environment.

The internship period should consist of 200-235 working hours in total. The duration of the internship can vary but cannot exceed one semester. The work can be spread out across the semester, or concentrated into a shorter period, according to the needs of the student and the host institution. Please note that you are responsible for ensuring that your working hours are not in conflict with your classes at UiO.

An internship can take different forms. It can for instance be part of a semester abroad or be combined with studies at UiO. You can apply for advertised internships within communications/publishing/media, teaching, public administration, culture and events, business, voluntary organizations, or other relevant fields. If you wish to do your internship during a semester abroad, the institute will help you find out whether the relevant exchange agreement can include an internship.

You will find detailed information about your rights and duties during the internship period in the contract that you must enter before your internship can begin. Get in touch with the study adviser at STK for more information.


Learning outcome

Having passed this course, you will:

  • Have knowledge about the characteristics of the field/institution where you have been an intern
  • Be able to explain and analyse your activities during the internship period
  • Be familiar with methods, ways of working, and skills that are central to the working environment you have been a part of
  • Be able to reflect on what you as a student have contributed to the working environment in terms of competencies and qualifications
  • Be able to explain how the place of employment can utilize these qualifications


You must be a student on the Master in Gender Studies, UiO, and have completed at least 30 ects at the programme. 

We recommend that this course is taken as part of the second term.

Get in touch with the study adviser at STK to check that your desired internship is relevant to your studies before starting the application process.

An admission application must be sent to the study adviser at STK by December 1 (for the Spring term) and June 1 (for the Autumn semester).

The application must contain:

  • A short motivation letter where you explain why you want to work for the employer in question, why the job is relevant to your studies, and, if possible, what your tasks or responsibilities will be. If you wish to take the course as part of studies abroad, you should include this information in the application.
  • Copy of the advertised position that you have applied for
  • And/or: confirmation from the employer that you have been given an internship


Formal prerequisite knowledge

The student must have been accepted to the master’s programme in Gender Studies, and must have completed at least 30 credits on the programme.


There is no regular teaching on this course.

When you are admitted to the course, you will be given a supervisor. The student is responsible for following up on contact with their supervisor. The student can receive a maximum of 6 hours of supervision.

There are compulsory activities that must be fulfilled in order to take the exam. When the course is over, the employer and the student must fill in an internship card that confirms that the requirements of the internship have been met, both in terms of content and working hours. The internship card must be approved by STK before the exam.

After the internship is over, but before the written assignment is submitted, the student must hold an oral presentation about their internship at an academic lunch event for staff at STK. The presentation should last between 15 and 30 minutes.  



The exam will consist of a semester assignment to be submitted at the end of the course. In total, the assignment should contain approx. 11-12 pages (a standard page consists of 2300 characters, not counting spaces).


All assignments must include a reflection note (2-3 pages), which reflects on how gender studies might be useful in relation to employer where the student has had their internship.


Additionally, the assignment should consist of approx. 9-10 pages, which can include:

  • An article written and published at the place of work
  • A programme or information about an event for which the student has been chiefly responsible
  • Links to completed podcasts, blog posts, or similar
  • Letters to the editor or opinion pieces written on behalf of the employer
  • Articles written for the employer’s website


The contents of the assignment are agreed upon with the supervisor and should reflect the tasks that the student has carried out for the employer.


All students must agree to give an interview about their internship, which will be published on the study programme website in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities.

Use of sources and citation

You should familiarize yourself with the rules that apply to the use of sources and citations. If you violate the rules, you may be suspected of cheating/attempted cheating.

Language of examination

You may write your examination paper in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Explanations and appeals

Resit an examination

Special examination arrangements

Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language