
Published Jan. 16, 2009 3:33 PM


There has been opened a virtual room in Fronter for SUM3000 and SUM4000. This room will be our main source of information, used for providing you with lecture notes, useful links etc. This is also the place where you will be asked to hand in papers/thesis and so on.

Log-in information:

  • Go to
  • Log in with your personal student username and password, and choose language of preferance
  • Go to the 'Choose Room' meny and select 'Display all rooms'
  • Choose the room called "Fellesrom for SUM3000 og SUM4000"

If you have prolems logging in, contact student consultant at SUM Hanna Ihlebæk - hanna.ihlebak(at)

Published Jan. 16, 2009 3:16 PM

First Lecture: Tuesday 20 January

We wish to welcome all registered students to the first lecture Tuesday, 20 January, 10.15-12.00 hrs. The lecture will take place at Aud 3, Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka. You will find a link to the detailed teaching plan at this page.

Published Dec. 9, 2008 2:19 PM

Lectures are parallell, and 10 points of the course overlaps with SUM4000. SUM4000 is obligatory for CES students who have not taken SUM3000. Master students who have SUM3000 need to take another course as part of their Master's programme. Contact the student consultant at SUM for more information.

Published Dec. 9, 2008 2:03 PM

We announced a few weeks ago that the SUM 3000 India module would not be held this year due to a lack of support for the module from 'lånekassen'. Since that time, Hal Wilhite (leader of our CES masters) has been able to negotiate an alternative solution with our cooperation Indian institution CSE. Volunteer students will be able to make the trip to CSE on their own, where they will conduct project group work supervised by CSE staff.

The difference this year will be that participating students will not be accompanied by SUM staff, they must cover their own travel and course fee, the stay will be reduced from 4 to 3 weeks (9-30 March), and the formal program of instruction will be less comprehensive.

These modifications mean that the course fee to be covered by each student would be reduced to $1000. In addition, students will organize and pay their airline fare, probably around kr 8500, as well as fees for...