Message from Desmond McNeill: Please …

Message from Desmond McNeill:

Please read these articles before the lecture on Wednesday 29 of September:

Marc, Reisner: in M. Reisner: Cadillac Desert: the American West and its Disappearing Water, 1993. "Epilogue: a Civilisation if you can keep it"Penguin Books, pages 477-495.

McNeill Desmond: Natural Resources Forum , 1998. «Water as an Economic Good» pages 253-262..

Partha, Dasgupta: In P. Dasgupta: Human Well-being and the Natural Environment, 2001. Oxford University Press,2001. Chapter 7:"Economic Institutions and the Natural Environment".Pages 107-121.

Taylor Charles: In Philosophy and the Human Sciences, Philosophical Papers 2, 1985. Cambridge University Press. "Interpretation and the Sciences of Man"pages 15-57.

1. Classify the four readings along a scale from 'academic' to 'popular'.

2. Choose which one of the four readings you found most interesting, and say why.

Published Sep. 19, 2004 2:00 AM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2005 11:03 AM