Exam, SUM 3011 Fall Semester, …

Exam, SUM 3011Fall Semester, 2005

Turn in 3 copies to SUM reception before 1200 on 24. October 2005

You are to answer one of the following three questions.

The quality of your answer is more important than quantity. A length of between 8 and 10 pages at font 12 and with 1.5 line- spacing should be sufficient.

1.What is ’thick description’? Explore what ’thick description’ can contribute to theoretical inquiry (the ways we understand the world) that other methodological approaches cannot. In doing so, contrast the advantages and disadvantanges of ’thick description’ with those of other forms for research and writing methods that have been addressed in the course.

2.What is meant by 'hard' and 'soft' sciences? Do you think this is a valid distinction? For what purposes is it useful? Support your answers with arguments and examples based on lectures and pensum.

3.Reflect on ways to approach interdisciplinary research to environmental questions. Your may choose a specific subject to exemplify your answer if you wish, such as maintaining biodiversity, restraining climate-gas emissions, avoiding resource depletion or another environmental problem of your choice. Examples of issues you might consider addressing: What are the most effective ways to facilitate communication and cooperation among the research team? Should the central research question be sub-divided into discipline-related parts and the results pieced together in an analysis phase? Should the team agree on a common theoretical orientation and method before they begin the inquiry?

Published Oct. 7, 2005 12:25 PM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2005 3:09 PM