Exam questions: 1) "In what …

Exam questions:

1) "In what ways do cultural perceptions of and attitudes to the environment influence development in poor countries?"

2) Environmentalists all over the world have been bewildered by Norway's refusal to cease whale hunting. Is the Norwegian stance >motivated solely by economic considerations, or is there a cultural explanation of the Norwegian recalcitrance? Discuss the question using the "Norwegian nature tradition" as a starting point.

Each student: Write 2 mini essays, max 4 pages each (11/2 line space). While writing please stick to the following simple structure: 1) State your thesis/hypothesis 2) Make a coherent argument 3) Conclude

The exam is to be sent by e-mail to Nina and Tanja before 24.00 on March 23.

Published Mar. 10, 2006 4:08 PM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2006 5:02 PM