
Published Feb. 29, 2008 12:19 PM


Remember to use your candidate number (not your name). The exam is to be written in english. Use 12 font, times new roman, 1,5 line space.

Remember to use proper citation The indicated document is a manual for the masters thesis template, but section 5 and 6 are citation guidlines.

Good luck:)

Published Feb. 26, 2008 12:00 PM

The exam should be delivered in 3 copies before 14.00 at SUM (2nd floor) on Thursday March 6.

Published Feb. 21, 2008 4:18 PM

As agreed, we are going to have a party on 28 February. Place: Oscars gt. 17, yellow villa with a front garden (on the "Bislett side") in Humansbyen, not far from the Royal Park. Time: 19.30. The party committee is welcome to come at 18.00 and start preparations. Some bottles of wine and salad provided, but any extras - wine, beer, cheeses, good ideas, poems, songs - welcome. Best wishes Nina

Published Feb. 18, 2008 11:28 AM

There is a classfronter page for this course, where you may access the lecture notes. Go to and log in with your uio user name and password.

Published Feb. 18, 2008 11:26 AM

Please note that Nina Witoszek and David Kleins lectures have changed places. Klein´s lecture is 27.3 Witoszek´s last lecture is 27.2 and she will hand out the exam after the lecture.

Published Jan. 23, 2008 5:30 PM

Colloquiums: Please note that the colloquium next Wednesday, January 30, will be from 12.30-14.30 hrs (after the lecture and a lunch break). Same place as before (SUM, 4th floor)

Classfronter: We are about to establish a room. A notice will be given when this is ready to be used.

Published Jan. 18, 2008 11:17 AM

Dear all, The first lecture will be on Wednesday January 23 at 10.15-12.00 hrs at SUM. The colloquium starts at 14.15 hrs. Before the lecture, you should all have read Bauman, Croll and Parkin, Arce and Long, and Winther, as specified in the teaching plan.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Tanja Winther

Published Jan. 2, 2008 11:19 AM

Please note this addition to the syllabus: Fischer, Frank and Hajer, Maarten A: Living with Nature : Environmental Politics as Cultural Discourse, 1999. New York : Oxford University Press.