Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
10.10.2006Per Ariansen  SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00  Values, a matrix. Problems as fact-value compounds. The classical is-ought distinction. Types of values: instrumental, intrinsic, inherent  O'Neill (L&R:10 values), Rolston (L&R:11 values) 
11.10.2006Espen Gamlund  Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 12.15-14.00  Colloquium 1. Is Nature Intrinsically Valuable?  O'Neill (L&R:10), Rolston (L&R:11), Norton (L&R:13), Wetlesen (W&B:47). 
12.10.2006Per Ariansen  SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00  Varieties of inherent valueSources and detectors of value: the anthropocentrism issue. • Empirical morally relevant properties in individuals: sentience, self-awareness, conatus. • Empirical morally relevant properties in wholes (species, ecosystems)  Palmer (L&R:1 intro), Singer (L&R:4 sentientism), Regan (L&R:5 animal rights), Ariansen (handout anthropocentrism), Taylor (L&R:6 biocentrism) Katz (L&R:7 systems and individuals?) Cahen (L&R: ecosystems) Norton (L&R:13 weak anthropocentrism) 
16.10.2006Espen Gamlund  SUM, 4th floor. 12.15-14.00  Colloquium 2. Who Has Moral Status in the Environment?   Singer (L&R:4), Regan (L&R:5), Ariansen (handout), Taylor (L&R:6), Katz (L&R:7) 
17.10.2006Per Ariansen  SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00  Beyond the is-ought dichotomy. Phenomenology and the life-world. • Value conflicts in the life-world. • The missing type of value: constitutive value  Ariansen (handout: environmental constructionism (to be translated)). Light (L&R: 18 monism) 
18.10.2006Espen Gamlund  SUM, 4th floor. 12-15-14.00  Colloquium 3. The Nature of Environmental Ethics – Monism versus Pluralism   Palmer (L&R:1), Ariansen (handout), Stone (L&R:15), Callicot (L&R:16), Light (L&R:18). 
19.10.2006Per Ariansen  SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00  Alternative total world-views. Historical glimpses: The world of the engineer. • The romantic reaction. Some diagnoses: what went wrong?• Deep ecology, an in-depth inquiry  Gaard & Gruen (L&R:21), Warren & Cheyney (L&R:22); Deep ecology: Fox (L&R: 19) Næss (L&R:20)

From Witoszek and Brennan, chapters 15-22 (Næss, French, Callicott, Fox, Brennan) + chapters 26-37 (Sale, Næss, Zimmermann, Salleh, Warren, Hallen, Bookchin) + Chapter 51, Anker. 

23.10.2006Espen Gamlund  SUM, 4th floor. 12.15-14.00  Colloquium 4. Deep Ecology and its Critics   Fox (L&R:19), Næss (L&R:20), Næss (W&B:1), Næss & Sessions (W&B:2) – Witoszek & Brennan (chapters 15-22 and 26-37) 
24.10.2006Per Ariansen  SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00  Environment as a political issue. Briefly on the tragedy of the commons. • The idea of sustainability. • Briefly on environmental justice. • Briefly on future generations  Hardin The Tragedy of the Commons, Scherer (L&R:25 sustainability. Barry (L&R: 38 sustainability, future generations, Partridge, Ekeli, Environmental Values 13 (2004):421-48: Environmental risks, Uncertainty and Intergenerational Ethics 
25.10.2006Espen Gamlund  SUM, 4th floor. 12.15-14.00  Colloquium 5. Environmental Politics and Justice   Barry (L&R:38), Partridge (future generations ), Ekeli (Environmental risks, Uncertainty and Intergenerational Ethics)


26.10.2006Per Ariansen  SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00  Time buffer and occasion to review topics   
30.10.2006Espen Gamlund  SUM, 4th floor. 12.15-14.00  Colloquium 6  Time buffer and occasion to review topics.

The exam will be handed out after the colloquium. 

09.11.2006      Exam to be handed in to SUM reception before 10am
Published June 30, 2006 2:58 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2006 5:28 PM