
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
16.11.2009Benedicte Bull  Seminar room, 4th floor, SUM, Sognsveien 68, 10.15-12.00  Introduction to Business and Global Governance   Newell (2005), Falkner (2003), Rowlands (2001) 
18.11.2009Christopher Wright  Seminar room, 2nd floor, ARENA, Sognsveien 68, 10.15-12.00  Theoretical approaches  Fuchs (2007), Newell and Levy (2005), Falkner (2008a) 
18.11.2009Christopher Wright  SUM 4th floor 13.15-15.00   Colloquium 1: Theorizing Business and Global Governance   
23.11.2009Christopher Wright   Seminar room, 4th floor, SUM, Sognsveien 68, 10.15-12.00   Business Authority, Legitimacy and Accountability   Cutler et. al (1999), Koenig-Archibugi (2004), Clapp (2005) 
23.11.2009Christopher Wright  SUM 4th floor, 13.15-15.00  Colloquium 2: States and Markets   
25.11.2009Benedicte Bull  Seminar room, 2nd floor, ARENA, Sognsveien 68, 10.15-12.00   Influence on multilateral governance (II): Business influence on multilateral trade institutions  Sell (1999), Woll and Artigas (2007), Bull (2008)


25.11.2009Benedicte Bull  Seminar room, 4th floor, SUM, Sognsveien 68, 13.15-15.00   Co-regulation: Global Public-Private Partnerships  Bäckstrand (2006), Bull and McNeill (2007)


26.11.2009Benedicte Bull  Seminar room, 2nd floor, ARENA, Sognsveien 68, 10.15-12.00   Colloquium 3: Business Influence in Multilateral Institutions    
30.11.2009Irja Vormedal  Seminar room, 4th floor, SUM, Sognsveien 68, 10.15-12.00   Influence on multilateral governance (I): Business strategies and the climate regime  Levy and Egan (1998), Falkner (2008b), Levy (2005) 
30.11.2009Irja Vormedal  SUM 4th floor, 13.15-15.00  Colloquium 4: Business in the Climate Regime   
02.12.2009Christopher Wright  Seminar room, 2nd floor, ARENA, Sognsveien 68, 10.15-12.00   Self regulation: Voluntary Actions and Industry Standards   Graham and Woods (2006), Vogel (2005) chap. 1-2, Wright and Rwabizambuga (2006) 
02.12.2009Christopher Wright  SUM 4th floor, 13.15-15.00  Colloquium 5: The Limits and Opportunities of Self Regulation   
07.12.2009      *Home exam will be handed out in Fronter  
08.12.2009Christopher Wright  Seminar room, 4th floor, SUM, Sognsveien 68, 10.15-12.00   Colloquium 6: Summary of the course and exam questions   
18.12.2009    Home exam to be handed in  Home exam will be handed in in Fronter

If you have any problems with the handing in of your assignment, please contact Student consultant Hanna Ihlebæk at SUM (hanna.ihlebak (@) sum.uio.no)  

Published May 24, 2009 10:06 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2009 11:33 AM