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Hansen, A. and Wethal, U. 2015. Emerging Economies and Challenges to Sustainability: Theories, strategies, local realities. London and New York: Routledge.

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Bebbington, Anthony and Bebbington, Denise. 201.1 An Andean Avatar:Post-Neoliberal and Neoliberal Strategies for Securing the UnobtainableNew Political Economy, 16:1, 131-145

Beeson, M & Hung H. P. 2012. ‘Developmentalism with Vietnamese Characteristics: The Persistence of State-led Development in East Asia’, Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 539–559

Chandra, Uday. 2013. The Maoist Movement in Contemporary India, Social Movement Studies, vol. 13 (3), 414-419.

Chatterjee, Partha. 2008. "Democracy and Economic Transformation in India"Economic & Political Weekly, Special Article, Arpil 19, pp 53 – 62.

Chen, Huiyi and Ashok Swain. 2014. "The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Evaluating Its Sustainability Standard and Geopolitical Significance." Energy Development Frontier Vol. 3 Iss. 1, . 11-19

Corbridge, Stuart and Alpa Shah. 2013. Introduction: the underbelly of the Indian boom, Economy and Society, Vol. 42 (3), 335-347.

Cunguara, B. and Hanlon, J. 2012. Whose Wealth Is It Anyway? Mozambique’s Outstanding Economic Growth With Worsening Rural PovertyDevelopment and Change 43(3): 623–647.

Fletcher, Robert and Rammelt, Crelis 2017, Decoupling: A Key Fantasy of the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda, Globalizations, Vol. 14 (3), 450-467.

Gqada, I. 2012. A Boom for Whom? Mozambique’s Natural Gas and the New Development OpportunitySAIIA Occasional Paper No 151, August 2013

Gray, Kevin and Gills, Barry K. 2016, South-South cooperation and the rise of the Global South, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 37 (4), 557-574.

Leguizamón, Amalia. 2013. Modifying Argentina: GM soy and socio-environmental change. Geoforum

Lin, Justin Yifu and Rosenblatt, David. 2012. Shifting patterns of economic growth and rethinking developmentJournal of Economic Policy Reform, 15:3, 171-194

Lefort, Rene. 2012. "Free market economy, ‘developmental state’ and party-state hegemony in Ethiopia: the case of the ‘model farmers’",The Journal of Modern African Studies / Volume 50 / Issue 04 / December 2012, pp 681 – 706

Mawdsley, Emma 2017, Development Geography I: Cooperation, competition and convergence between ‘North’ and ‘South’, Progress in Human Geography, vol. 41 (1), 108-117.

Nayyar, Deepak 2016, BRICS, developing countries and global governance, Third World Quarterly, Vol 37 (4), 575-591.

Nerini, Francesco Fuso et al. 2017. Mapping synergies and trade-offs between energy and the Sustainable Development Goals, Nature Energy, doi: 10.1038/s41560-017-0036-5. 

Ortmann, Stephan 2017. Introduction: The Environmental Challenges in Vietnam, in S. Ortmann, Environmental Governance in Vietnam. Palgrave MacMillan, Cham.

Radelet, Steven 2010. ‘Success Stories from Emerging Africa’, Journal of Democracy, Volume 21, Number 4, October 2010, pp. 87-101

Richardson, Neal P. 2014. Export-Oriented Populism: Commodities and Coalitions in Argentina. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Published online 8 January 2014

Rolnik, R. 2013, 'Ten years of the City Statute in Brazil: From the struggle for urban reform to the World Cup cities', International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development', vol.5, no.1, pp. 54-64.

Taylor, I. 2016, 'Dependency Redux: Why Africa is not rising', Review of African Political Economy, 43 (147): 8-25

Tilt, Bryan 2006. Perceptions of risk from industrial pollution in China: a comparison of occupational groups, Human Organization, Vol.  65 (2), 115-127

UNDP 2013, Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World, UNDP, New York. Overview + Introduction

Wade, Robert H. 2011. Emerging World Order? From Multipolarity to Multilateralism in the G20 the World Bank, and the IMFPolitics & Society 2011 39: 347

Yates, Julian S. and Bakker, Karen. 2013. Debating the 'post-neoliberal turn' in Latin America. Progress in Human Geography 38: 62 originally published online 30 August 2013

Yeh, Emily T 2009. Greening western China: A critical view, Geoforum, Vol. 40 (5), 884-894.


Published Mar. 22, 2018 3:31 PM - Last modified May 29, 2018 2:38 PM