Important info on Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

Dear SUM4502 students, 

We hope you are ready for tomorrow! 

Just a quick note to remind you that you must download the desktop client for Zoom. If you have a UiO-user, it is absolutely imperative that you use that to log in and join the meeting. More here: 

For non-UiO users, you can download Zoom here: 

We will use pre-assigned breakout rooms for this class, so you must log into Zoom with your UiO user (that will be, or, for non-UiO-users, the email you signed up for the course with. It's the same we've used to add you to Microsoft teams. 

We will use Microsoft Teams as our virtual classroom for the week: You must download Microsoft Teams and make sure you're signed in ahead of class. Here's an intro on how to use it. The link to the Teams classroom and to the Zoom-meeting for the week is available in Canvas, as well as in the info mail we sent out previously. If you have trouble finding it, send an email to or send me a chat in Canvas or Teams. 

See you tomorrow! 

Published May 25, 2020 12:07 AM - Last modified Aug. 17, 2021 12:05 PM