
European Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic

Hunting and related technology

Bird-David, Nurit 1992 Beyond The Original Affluent Society: A Culturalist Reformation. Current Anthropology 33(1):25-47.

Clutton-Brock, Juliet og Nanna Noe-Nygaard 1990 New Osteological and C-Isotope Evidence on Mesolithic Dogs: Companions to Hunters and Fishers at Star Carr, Seamer Carr and Kongemose ,Journal of Archaeological Science 17:643-653.

Gurven, Michael and Kim Hill 2009 Why Do Men Hunt? A Reevaluation of “Man the Hunter” and the Sexual Division of Labor. Current Anthropology 50(1):51-74.

Gurven, Michael og Kim Hill 2010 Moving beyond Stereotypes of Men’s Foraging Goals Current Anthropology 51(2):265-267.

Hawkes, Kristen, James F. O’Connell og James E. Coxworth 2010 Family Provisioning Is Not the Only Reason Men Hunt. A Comment on Gurven and Hill. Current Anthropology 51(2):259-264.

*Kopytoff, Igor 1986 The Cultural Biography of Things: Commoditization as Process. I The Social Life of Things redigert av Arjun Appadurai, s. 64-91. Cambridge University Press.

Kuhn, S.L. og Stiner, M.C. 2006 What's a Mother to Do? The Division of Labor among Neandertals and Modern Humans in Eurasia. Current Anthropology 47(6):953-980.

*Lee, Richard B. 1998 [1968] What Hunters Do for a Living, or, How to Make Out on Scarce Resources. I Limited wants, unlimited means, redigert av John Gowdy, s. 43-63. Island Press, Washington D.C.

Pfaffenberger, Bryan 1988 Fetishized Objects and Humanized Nature: Towards an Anthropology of Technology. Man 23(2): 236-250.

Price, T. Douglas The Mesolithic of Northern Europe. Annual Review of Anthropology 20:211-233.

*Sahlins, Marshall 1998 [1972] The Original Affluent Society. I Limited wants, unlimited means, redigert av John Gowdy, s. 5-41. Island Press, Washington D.C.

Soffer, O. 2004 Recovering Perishable Technologies through Use Wear on Tools: Preliminary Evidence for Upper Paleolithic Weaving and Net Making Current Anthropology 45(3):407-425.

Aaris-Sørensen, Kim, Rudi Mühldorff, Erik Brinch Petersen 2007 The Scandinavian reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) after the last glacial maximum: time, seasonality and human exploitation, Journal of Archaeological Science 34:914-923.


Site settlement – territories

Bang-Andersen, Sveinung 1996 Coast/Inland Relations in the Mesolithic of Southern Norway. World Archaeology 27(3):427-443.

Binford, L.R. 1980. Willow smoke and dogs’ tails: hunter-gatherer settlement systems and archaeological site formation. American Antiquity 45(1): 4-20.

Donahue, Randolph E. og William A. Lovis 2006 Regional settlement systems in Mesolithic northern England: Scalar issues in mobility and territoriality, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 25:248–258.

Fischer, Anders, Jesper Olsen, Mike Richards, Jan Heinemeier, Árny E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir og Pia Bennike 2007 Coast-inland mobility and diet in the Danish Mesolithic and Neolithic: evidence from stable isotope values of humans and dogs, Journal of Archaeological Science 34:2125-2150.

Gamble, Clive 1998 Palaeolithic Society and the Release from Proximity: A Network Approach to Intimate Relations. World Archaeology 29(3):426-449.

Newell, R.R. og T.S. Constandse-Westermann 1996 The Use of Ethnographic Analyses for Researching Late Palaeolithic Settlement Systems, Settlement Patterns and Land Use in the Northwest European Plain. World Archaeology 27(3):372-388.

Rowley-Conwy, Peter 1993 Season and Reason: The Case for a Regional Interpretation of Mesolithic Settlement Patterns. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 4(1):179-188.

Graves – social organization – religion

Boríc, Dusvan og Sofija Stefanovíc 2004 Birth and death: infant burials from Vlasac and Lepenski Vir Antiquity 78:526-546.

*Jordan, Peter 2008 Northern Landscapes, Northern Mind: On the Trail of an ‘Archaelogy of Hunter-gatherer belief’. I Belief In The Past: Theoretical Approaches to the Archaeology of Religion, redigert av David S. Whitley og Kelley Hays-Gilpin, s. 227-246. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, California.

Mannermaa, Kristiina 2008 Birds and burials at Ajvide (Gotland, Sweden) and Zvejnieki (Latvia) about 8000–3900 BP, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27:201–225.

Nilsson Stutz, Liv 2006 Setting it Straight. A re-analysis of the Mesolithic Barum burial according to the principles of anthropologie de terrain Lund Archaeological Review 11/12:37-46.

Schulting, Rick J. 1996 Antlers, bone pins and flint blades: the Mesolithic cemeteries of Téviec and Hoëdic, Brittany. Antiquity 70(3):335-350.

Soffer, O., J.M. Adovasio og D.C. Hyland 2000 The Venus Figurines. Textiles, Basketry, Gender, and Status in the Upper Paleolithic Current Anthropology 41(4):511-537.

Svoboda, Jiří A. 2008 The Upper Paleolithic burial area at Prědmostí: ritual and taphonomy, Journal of Human Evolution 54:15-33

Ethnicity – identity

*Bergsvik, Knut Andreas 2003. Mesolithic ethnicity - too hard to handle? I Mesolithic on the Move, redigert av L. Larsson, H. Kindgren, K. Knutsson, D. Loeffler og A. Åkerlund, s. 290-301.Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Perdaen, Yves, Philippe Crombé og Joris Sergant 2008 Lithic Technology and the Cultural Identity of Early Mesolithic Groups. Current Anthropology 49(2):317-317.

Rosenberg, Michael 1998 Cheating at Musical Chairs. Territoriality and Sedentism in an Evolutionary Context. Current Anthropology Vol. 39, No. 5, s. 653-681.

Thorpe, I.J.N. 2003 Anthropology, Archaeology and the Origin of Warfare. World Archaeology 35(1):145-165.

*Verhart, Leo B.M. 1990 Stone Age Bone and Antler Points as Indicators for "Social Territories" in the European Mesolithic. I Contributions to the Mesolithic in Europe, redigert av Pierre M. Veermersch og Philip Van Peer, s. 139-151. Leuven University Press.

Recommended additional reading

Bird-David, Nurit 1998 [1992] Beyond The Original Affluent SocietyA Culturalist Reformation [Comments and Reply]. Current Anthropology 33(1):34-45.

Fahlander, Fredrik 2008 A piece of the Mesolithic. Horizontal Stratigraphy and Bodily Mutilations at Skateholm I The Materiality of Death, redigert av Fredrik Fahlander og Terje Oestigaard, s. 29-46. BAR International Series 1768. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford.

Kimball, Michael J. 2006 Common pools and private tools? Mobility and economy during Ireland’s Later Mesolithic Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 25:239–247.


Neolitikum og bronsealder

Etnisitet og identitet

Anthony, D.W. 1990. Migration in archaeology: the baby and the bathwater. American Anthropologist 92: 895-914.

Apel, J. in press. Tracing Pressure-Flaked Arrowheads in Europe. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

*Bakka, E. 1973. Omkring problemet om kulturdualisme i Sør-Noreg. I: Bonde-veidemann, bofast-ikke bofast i nordisk forhistorie. Simonsen, P. & Munch (red). Tromsø museums skrifter XIV, Tromsø: 109-127.

Glørstad, H. in press.Historical ideal types and the transition to the Late Neolithic in South Norway. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (redsBecoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

*Jones, S. 1997. The Archaeology of Ethnicity. Constructing identities in the past and present. Routledge, London: 1-39 & 84-144.

Kristiansen, K. in press. The Bronze Age expansion of Indo-European languages: an archaeological model. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Melheim, L. in press (se nedenfor)

Prescott, C. in press. Third millennium transformations in Norway: modeling an interpretative platform. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad in press. Introduction: Becoming European I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (redsBecoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Vander Linden, M. in press Demography and mobility in North-Western Europe during the third millennium cal. BC I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Prieto-Martínez, M.P. in press Perceiving changes in the third millennium BC in Europe through pottery: Galicia, Brittany and Denmark as examples. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Østmo, E. in press Late Neolithic Expansion to Norway. The beginning of a 4000 year-old shipbuilding tradition.


*Artursson, M. 2009. Gårds- och bebyggelsestruktur. I: Bebyggelse och samhällsstruktur. Södra och mellersta Skandinavien under senneolitikum och bronsålder 2300-500. RAÄ undersökningar Skrifter 73, 105-180 (1)

*Artursson, M.2009. Aspekter på bebeyggelsens struktur och social hierarkier. I: Bebyggelse och samhällsstruktur. Södra och mellersta Skandinavien under senneolitikum och bronsålder 2300-500. RAÄ undersökningar Skrifter 73, 181-202.

Bakka, E. 1973. se ovenfor

Bourdieu, P. 1970. The Berber house or the world reversed. Social Science Information 9: 151-170.

*Prescott, C. 2005. Settlement and economy in the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age of southern Norway: Some points and premises. I: Høgestøl, Løken, Nærøy, Selsing & Prøsch-Danielsen (eds.), Konstruksjonsspor og byggeskik. Maskinell flateavdekking -metodikk, tolking og forvaltning. Ams-Varia 43, 127-136. Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger.

Bronsealderens metallurgi – produksjon: tilfelle Sør-Norge (2)

*Glørstad, H. 2008. Celebrating materiality – The Antarctic lesson. I : Glørstad, H. & L. Hedeager. Six essays on the materiality of society and culture, 173-211. Bricoleur Press, Uddevalla.

*Lund, J. & L. Melheim. 2009. Med hode og kropp – en nytolkning av Vestby-funnet i lys av symbol- og kroppsperspektiver. I: Lund, J. & L. Melheim. 2009 Håndverk og produksjon. Et møte mellom ulike perspektiver. OAS 12, 11-40.

*Melheim, L. in press Towards a new understanding of Late Neolithic Norway – the role of metal and metal working. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

*O’Brien, W. 1996. Technology. I:Bronze and Copper Mining in Britain and Ireland, 19-32. Shire Archaeology, Buckinghamshire

Prescott, C. 2000. Symbolic metallurgy – Assessing early metallurgic processes in a periphery. I: In Olaussen & Vandkilde (eds.), Form, Function & Context. Material Culture Studies in Scandinavian Archaeology. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia series in 8, 213-225. Lund.

Kosmologi, ritualitet & gravskikk.

*Bloch, M. 1982. Death, women and power. I: Bloch, M. & J. Parry (red), Death and the regeneration of life, 211-230. CUP, Cambridge.

Brück, J. 2009. Women, Death and social change in the British Bronze Age. Norwegian Archaeological Review 42/1, 1-23.

*Kaul, F. 2004. III, Den nordiske bronzealders ikonografi og religion i forskningshistorisk perspektiv. I:Bronzealderens religion : studier af den nordiske bronzealders ikonografi, 31-71.

*Kristiansen, K. 2004. Institutioner og materiell kultur. Tvillingherskerne som religiøs og politisk institution under bronzealder. I: Andrén, A. K. Jennbert & C. Raudvere (red.), Ordning mot kaos – studier av nordisk förkristen kosmologi, 99-122. Vägar til Midgard ¤, NAP. Lund.

*Melheim, L. 2006. Kapittel 1. Arkeologi, religion og samfunn. I Prescott, c. (red.), Myter og religion i bronsealderen. OAS 5, 15-30. Oslo

*Turner, T.W. 1967. Betwixt and between: The liminal Period in Rites de passage. I: The Forest of symbols. Aspects of Ndembu ritual. Cornell Paperbacks, Ithaca.

Østigard, T & J. Goldhahn 2006. From the dead to the living: Death as transactions an re-negotiations. Norwegian Archaeological Review 39/1, 27-48


(1) tidligere publisert i Lagerås, P & B. Srömberg 2005.Bronsålderbygd 2300-500 f. Kr. RAÄ,

(2) For kortfattet introduksjon se Prescott, C. 2005. Bronsestøping. I: Østmo & Hedeager (red.), Norsk Arkeologisk Leksikon. Pax, Oslo.

For mer teknisk bakgrunnsinformasjon se:

Craddock, P.T. 1995. Early metal mining and production eller

Tylecote, R.F 1997. The early history of metallurgy in Europe. Longman, London.

Publisert 5. apr. 2011 09:21 - Sist endret 31. okt. 2013 10:51