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 European Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic

Hunting and related technology

€ Bird-David, Nurit 1992 Beyond The Original Affluent Society: A Culturalist Reformation. Current Anthropology 33(1):25-47.

€ Churchill, S. E. 1993 Weapon Technology, Prey Size Selection, and Hunting Methods in Modern Hunter-Gatherers, Implications for Hunting in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, 4 (1):11-24.

€ Gurven, Michael and Kim Hill 2009 Why Do Men Hunt? A Reevaluation of “Man the Hunter” and the Sexual Division of Labor. Current Anthropology 50(1):51-74.

€ Gurven, Michael og Kim Hill 2010 Moving beyond Stereotypes of Men’s Foraging Goals Current Anthropology 51(2):265-267.

€ Hawkes, Kristen, James F. O’Connell og James E. Coxworth 2010 Family Provisioning Is Not the Only Reason Men Hunt. A Comment on Gurven and Hill. Current Anthropology 51(2):259-264.

€ Kuhn, S.L. og Stiner, M.C. 2006 What's a Mother to Do? The Division of Labor among Neandertals and Modern Humans in Eurasia. Current Anthropology 47(6):953-980.

€ Pfaffenberger, Bryan 1988 Fetishized Objects and Humanized Nature: Towards an Anthropology of Technology. Man 23(2): 236-250.

€ Price, T. Douglas The Mesolithic of Northern Europe. Annual Review of Anthropology 20:211-233.

*Sahlins, Marshall 1998 [1972] The Original Affluent Society. I Limited wants, unlimited means, redigert av John Gowdy, s. 5-41. Island Press, Washington D.C.

€ Soffer, O. 2004 Recovering Perishable Technologies through Use Wear on Tools: Preliminary Evidence for Upper Paleolithic Weaving and Net Making Current Anthropology 45(3):407-425.

€ Speth, J.D., Newlander, K., White, A.A., Lemke, A.K., Anderson, L.E., 2013. Early Paleoindian big-game hunting in North America: Provisioning or politics? Quaternary International 285, 111-139.

€ Aaris-Sørensen, Kim, Rudi Mühldorff, Erik Brinch Petersen 2007 The Scandinavian reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) after the last glacial maximum: time, seasonality and human exploitation, Journal of Archaeological Science 34:914-923.


Site settlement – territories

€ Bang-Andersen, Sveinung 1996 Coast/Inland Relations in the Mesolithic of Southern Norway. World Archaeology 27(3):427-443.

€ Binford, L.R. 1980. Willow smoke and dogs’ tails: hunter-gatherer settlement systems and archaeological site formation. American Antiquity 45(1): 4-20.

€ Fischer, Anders, Jesper Olsen, Mike Richards, Jan Heinemeier, Árny E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir og Pia Bennike 2007 Coast-inland mobility and diet in the Danish Mesolithic and Neolithic: evidence from stable isotope values of humans and dogs, Journal of Archaeological Science 34:2125-2150.

€ Gamble, Clive 1998 Palaeolithic Society and the Release from Proximity: A Network Approach to Intimate Relations. World Archaeology 29(3):426-449.

€ Newell, R.R. og T.S. Constandse-Westermann 1996 The Use of Ethnographic Analyses for Researching Late Palaeolithic Settlement Systems, Settlement Patterns and Land Use in the Northwest European Plain. World Archaeology 27(3):372-388.

€ Whallon, R. 2006 Social networks and information: Non-“utilitarian” mobility among hunter-gatherers. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 25 259-270.


Graves – social organization – religion

€ Mannermaa, Kristiina 2008 Birds and burials at Ajvide (Gotland, Sweden) and Zvejnieki (Latvia) about 8000–3900 BP, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27:201–225.

€ Nilsson Stutz, Liv 2006 Setting it Straight. A re-analysis of the Mesolithic Barum burial according to the principles of anthropologie de terrain. Lund Archaeological Review 11/12:37-46.

€ Rowan, Y. M. 2012 Beyond Belief: The Archaeology of Religion and Ritual. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, 21 (1):1-10.

€ Schulting, Rick J. 1996 Antlers, bone pins and flint blades: the Mesolithic cemeteries of Téviec and Hoëdic, Brittany. Antiquity 70(3):335-350.

€ Soffer, O., J.M. Adovasio og D.C. Hyland 2000 The Venus Figurines. Textiles, Basketry, Gender, and Status in the Upper Paleolithic Current Anthropology 41(4):511-537.

€ Zilhäo, J. 2005 Burial evidence for the social differentiation of age classes in the early Upper Paleolithic. In Vialou, D., Renault-Miskovsky, J. & Patou-Mathis, M. (Eds.) Comportements des hommes du Paleolithique moyen et superieur en Europe: territoires et milieux.231-241. Liege, ERAUL Ill.


Social organisation and Identities

*Bergsvik, Knut Andreas 2003. Mesolithic ethnicity - too hard to handle? I Mesolithic on the Move, redigert av L. Larsson, H. Kindgren, K. Knutsson, D. Loeffler og A. Åkerlund, s. 290-301.Oxbow Books, Oxford.

€ Perdaen, Yves, Philippe Crombé og Joris Sergant 2008 Lithic Technology and the Cultural Identity of Early Mesolithic Groups. Current Anthropology 49(2):317-327.

€ Rosenberg, Michael 1998 Cheating at Musical Chairs. Territoriality and Sedentism in an Evolutionary Context. Current Anthropology Vol. 39, No. 5, s. 653-681.


Rock art

 * Goldhahn, J. 2017. North European Rock Art: A Long-Term Perspective. I Bruno David and Ian J. McNiven (red.) The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Rock Art


 Neolitikum og bronsealder

Social organisation and Identities

# Apel, J. 2012. Tracing Pressure-Flaked Arrowheads in Europe. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 156-164.

*Bakka, E. 1973. Omkring problemet om kulturdualisme i Sør-Noreg. I: Bonde-veidemann, bofast-ikke bofast i nordisk forhistorie. Simonsen, P. & Munch (red). Tromsø museums skrifter XIV, Tromsø: 109-127.

€ Furholt, M. 2014. Upending a ‘Totality’: Re-evaluating Corded Ware Variability in Late Neolithic Europe. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 80: p.67–86.

# Glørstad, H. 2012. Historical ideal types and the transition to the Late Neolithic in South Norway. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds) Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 82-99.

€ Jones, S. 1997. The Archaeology of Ethnicity. Constructing identities in the past and present. Routledge, London: 1-39 & 84-144.

Melheim, L. 2012 (se nedenfor)

* Austvoll, K. I. 2017. Tracing boundaries of local group identities in the Early Bronze Age — south-west Norway. I S. Bergerbrant and A. Wessman (reds.), New Perspectives on the Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Bronze Age Symposium held in Gothenburg 9th to 13th June 2015. Archaeopress, Oxford: 421-434

# Prescott, C. 2012. Third millennium transformations in Norway: modeling an interpretative platform. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 115-127.

# Prieto-Martínez, M.P. 2012. Perceiving changes in the third millennium BC in Europe through pottery: Galicia, Brittany and Denmark as examples. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 30-47.

€ Robb, J. 2013. Material culture, landscapes of action, and emergent causation: a new model for the origins of the european neolithic. Current anthropology 54(6): p.657–683.

€ Robb, J., & Harris, O.J.T. 2018. Becoming Gendered in European Prehistory: Was Neolithic Gender fundamentally different? American Antiquity 83(1): p.128–147.

# Østmo, E. 2012. Late Neolithic Expansion to Norway. The beginning of a 4000 year-old shipbuilding tradition. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 63-69.


Mobility and Migration

€ Anthony, D.W. 1990. Migration in archaeology: the baby and the bathwater. American Anthropologist 92: 895-914.

€ Furholt, M. 2018. Massive Migrations? The Impact of Recent aDNA Studies on our View of Third Millennium Europe. European Journal of Archaeology: 21 (2), 2018, 159-191.

€ Heyd, V. 2017. Kossinna’s smile. Antiquity 91(356): p.348–359.

€ Hofmann, D. 2015. What Have Genetics Ever Done for Us? The Implications of aDNA Data for Interpreting Identity in Early Neolithic Central Europe. European Journal of Archaeology 18(3): p.454–476.

€ Kristiansen, K. et al. 2017. Re-theorising mobility and the formation of culture and language among the Corded Ware Culture in Europe. Antiquity 91(356): p.334–347.

€ Sjögren, K.-G., Price, T.D., & Kristiansen, K. 2016. Diet and Mobility in the Corded Ware of Central Europe. PLOS ONE 11(5): p.e0155083.



€ Artursson, M. 2009. Gårds- och bebyggelsestruktur. I: Bebyggelse och samhällsstruktur. Södra och mellersta Skandinavien under senneolitikum och bronsålder 2300-500. RAÄ undersökningar Skrifter 73, 105-180 (1)

Bakka, E. 1973. se ovenfor

€ Bourdieu, P. 1970. The Berber house or the world reversed. Social Science Information 9: 151-170.

*Prescott, C. 2005. Settlement and economy in the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age of southern Norway: Some points and premises. I: Høgestøl, Løken, Nærøy, Selsing & Prøsch-Danielsen (eds.), Konstruksjonsspor og byggeskik. Maskinell flateavdekking -metodikk, tolking og forvaltning. Ams-Varia 43, 127-136. Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger.


Bronsealderens metallurgi – produksjon: tilfelle Sør-Norge (2)

*Glørstad, H. 2008. Celebrating materiality – The Antarctic lesson. I : Glørstad, H. & L. Hedeager. Six essays on the materiality of society and culture, 173-211. Bricoleur Press, Uddevalla.

*Lund, J. & L. Melheim. 2009. Med hode og kropp – en nytolkning av Vestby-funnet i lys av symbol- og kroppsperspektiver. I: Lund, J. & L. Melheim. 2009 Håndverk og produksjon. Et møte mellom ulike perspektiver. OAS 12, 11-40.

# Melheim, L. 2012. Towards a new understanding of Late Neolithic Norway – the role of metal and metal working. I Prescott, C. & H. Glørstad (reds.), Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Europe and the trajectory into the millennium BC. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 70-81.

*O’Brien, W. 1996. Technology. I:Bronze and Copper Mining in Britain and Ireland, 19-32. Shire Archaeology, Buckinghamshire

€ Prescott, C. 2000. Symbolic metallurgy – Assessing early metallurgic processes in a periphery. I: In Olaussen & Vandkilde (eds.), Form, Function & Context. Material Culture Studies in Scandinavian Archaeology. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia series in 8, 213-225. Lund.


Kosmologi, ritualitet & gravskikk.

*Bloch, M. 1982. Death, women and power. I: Bloch, M. & J. Parry (red), Death and the regeneration of life, 211-230. CUP, Cambridge.

€ Brück, J. 2009. Women, Death and social change in the British Bronze Age. Norwegian Archaeological Review 42/1, 1-23.

*Kaul, F. 2004. III, Den nordiske bronzealders ikonografi og religion i forskningshistorisk perspektiv. I:Bronzealderens religion : studier af den nordiske bronzealders ikonografi, 31-71.

*Kristiansen, K. 2004. Institutioner og materiell kultur. Tvillingherskerne som religiøs og politisk institution under bronzealder. I: Andrén, A. K. Jennbert & C. Raudvere (red.), Ordning mot kaos – studier av nordisk förkristen kosmologi, 99-122. Vägar til Midgard ¤, NAP. Lund.

*Melheim, L. 2006. Kapittel 1. Arkeologi, religion og samfunn. I Prescott, c. (red.), Myter og religion i bronsealderen. OAS 5, 15-30. Oslo

€ Sjögren, K.-G. 1986. Kinship, labor, and land in Neolithic southwest Sweden: Social aspects of megalithic graves. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 5(3): p.229–265.

*Turner, T.W. 1967. Betwixt and between: The liminal Period in Rites de passage. I: The Forest of symbols. Aspects of Ndembu ritual. Cornell Paperbacks, Ithaca.

€ Østigard, T & J. Goldhahn 2006. From the dead to the living: Death as transactions an re-negotiations. Norwegian Archaeological Review 39/1, 27-48


Recommended additional reading

€ Coulson, S., Staurset, S. & Walker, N. J. 2011 Ritualized Behavior in the Middle Stone Age: evidence from Rhino Cave, Tsodilo Hills, Botswana. PalaeoAnthropology, 18-61.









Publisert 31. mai 2019 13:53 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2019 17:12