
Digital compendium (must log in to access):

ARK4210 – Heritage, Material Culture and Conflict

Spring 2020

  • Literature marked (*) will be available in compendium. The rest of the publications are available on web.
  • In addition to these articles students are expected to list 450/550 pages of self-chosen literature.




* Bahrani, Zainab 2010: “Archaeology and the strategies of war”, in Baker, Raymond w.; Ismael, Shereen T. and Tareq Y. Ismael (eds.) Cultural Cleansing in Iraq: Why Museums were looted, libraries burned and academics murdered. Pluto Press, London.P. 67-92. (15 sider)

(€) Curtis, John 2009: “Relations between Archaeologists and the Military in the case of Iraq”, in Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 19:2-8. (6 sider)

(€) Hamilakis, Yannis 2009: The ‘War on Terror’ and the Military–Archaeology Complex: Iraq, Ethics, and Neo ColonialismJournal of the World Archaeological Congress, Volume 5, Number 1, 39-65. (27 sider.)

* Meskell, Lynn and Robert W. Preucel 2007: “Politics”, in Meskel, Lynn and Robert W. Preucel (eds.) A Companion to Social Archaeology. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, 2007. P.315-334. (19 sider)

(€) Meskell, Lynn 2015: Gridlock: UNESCO, global conflict and failed ambitionsWorld Archaeology 46:2, p. 225-238. (13 sider)

* Pollock, Susan 2005: “Archaeology Goes to War at the Newsstand”, in Pollock, Susan and Reinhard Bernbeck (eds.) Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives. Blackwell, Malden 2005. P. 78-96. (18 sider)


Community archaeology


* Exell, Karen 2013: “Community consultation and the redevelopment of Manchester Museum’s Ancient Egypt Galleries” in Golding, Viv and Wayne Modest (eds) Museums and Communities: Curators, Collections and Collaboration. Bloomsbury, London, 2013. P. 130-142. (12 sider)

(€) Holtorf, Cornelius J. 2007: Can You Hear Me At the Back? Archaeology, Communication and Society. European Journal of Archaeology 10(2-3): 149-165. (13 sider)

* Lea, Joanne and Thomas, Suzie 2014: “Introduction” Thomas, S and Lea, J. Public Participation in Archaeology, 2014, The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, p. 1-7. (7 sider)

(€) Logan, William and Keir Reeves 2009: Introduction In: Logan, W. and Keir Reeves (eds.) Places of Pain and Shame: Dealing with ‘Difficult Heritage’. Routledge, New York. P.1-14. (13 sider)

(€) Thomas, Suzie 2015: “Collaborate, Condemn, or Ignore? Responding to Non-Archaeological Approaches to Archaeological Heritage” European Journal of Archaeology 18(2), p. 312-335. (23 sider)

(€) Waterton, Emma and Laurajane Smith 2010: “The recognition and misrecognition of community heritage”, in International Journal of Heritage Studies 16:1-2. P 4-15. (11 sider)


Human remains: research and ethics


(€) Aronsson, Åke et al 2013: “Comments on Asgeir Svestad: ‘What happened in Neiden? On the Question of Reburial Ethics”, in Norwegian Archaeological Review 46:2. p.223-242. (19 sider)

* Brooks, Mary and Claire Ramsey 2007: “‘Who knows the fate of his bones?’ Rethinking the body on display: object, art or human remains?” in Knell, Simon, MacLeod, s. and Sheila Watson (eds) Museum Revolutions. Routledge, London, 2007. P. 343-354. (11 sider)

(€) Svestad, Asgeir (2013) “What Happened in Neiden? On the Question of Reburial Ethics” in Norwegian Archaeological Review 46:2, 194-222. (28 sider)

* Huffer, D and Chappell, D. 2014: “The mainly nameless and faceless dead: An exploratory study of the illicit traffic in archaeological and ethnographic human remains”. Crime, Law and Social Change, Volume 62, 131-153.


Academic ethics and the antiquities market


(€) Brodie and Proulx: “Museum malpractice as corporate crime? The case of the J. Paul Getty Museum”, in Journal of Crime and Justice37:3.  (23 sider)

(€) Justnes, Å and Rasmussen, J M. 2017: “Soli Deo Gloria? The scholars, the market, and the dubious post-2002 Dead Sea Scrolls-like fragments.” The Bible and Interpretation, 11th November. Available at:

(€) Justnes, Å and Rasmussen, J M. 2019: “The post-2002 fragments and the scholars who turned them into Dead Sea Scrolls”. Ancient Near East Today, Volume 7, Number 2. Available at:

* Mazza, R. 2015: “Papyri, ethics, and economics: A biography of P.Oxy. 15.1780 (𝔓39)”. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, Volume 52, 113-142.


Diversity issues in cultural heritage management


(€) Akademiet for Yngre Forskere. 2019: Rom for mangfold i akademia? En surveyundersøkelse om internasjonalisering, diskriminering og seksuell trakassering blant yngre forskere i Norge. Oslo: Akademiet for Yngre Forskere. Available at: [s. 21-42].

(€) Sontum, K H. 2019: “The co-production of difference? Exploring urban youths’ negotiations of identity in meeting with difficult heritage of human classification.” Museums and Social Issues, Volume 13, Number 2, 43-57.

(€) Sontum, K H and Fredriksen, P D. 2017: “When the past is slipping. Value tensions and responses by heritage management to demographic changes: A case study from Oslo, Norway.” International Journal of Heritage Studies, Volume 24, Number 4, 406-420.


Cultural heritage studies and politicisation of heritage by the far-right in Scandinavia


(€) Bonacchi, C, Altaweel, M and Krzyzanska, M. 2018: “The heritage of Brexit: Roles of the past in the construction of political identities through social media”. Journal of Social Archaeology, Volume 18, Number 2, 174-192.

(€) Brophy, K. 2018: “The Brexit hypothesis and prehistory”. Antiquity, Volume 92, Number 366, 1650-1658.

(€) Kølvraa, C. 2019: “Embodying ‘the Nordic race’: imaginaries of Viking heritage in the online communications of the Nordic Resistance Movement”. Patterns of Prejudice, Volume 53, Number 3, 270-284.

* Niklasson, E and Hølleland, H. 2018: “The Scandinavian far-right and the new politicisation of heritage”. Journal of Social Archaeology, Volume 18, Number 2, 121-148.


International cultural heritage law


(€) Act of 9 June 1978 No. 50 Concerning the Cultural Heritage. Norwegian Ministry of Culture. (9 sider)

(€) Bauer, Alexander A.; Lindsay, Shanel and Stephen Urice 2007: “When theory, practice and policy collide, or why do archaeologists support cultural property claims?” in  Hamilakis, Yannis and Philip Duke (eds)Archaeology and Capitalism, Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, California. (13 sider)

(€) Gerstenblith, Patty 2013 “The law as mediator between archaeology and collecting”, Internet Archaeology 33 (6 sider)

(€) Hølleland, Herdis and Marit Johansson 2017: ' exercise in all loyalty, discretion and conscience': on insider research and the World Heritage Convention, International Journal of Cultural Policy, s.1-13 (14 sider)

* Hølleland, Herdis 2017: Caged for Protection: Exploring the Paradoxes of Protecting New Zealand's Dactylanthus taylorii. Environment and History 2017, vol. 23.(4) pp. 545-567 (22 sider)

(€) Soderland, Hilary 2013: “Heritage Values, Jurisprudence, and Globalization”, in Biehl, Peter F. and Christopher Prescott (eds) Heritage in the Context of Glabalization: Europe and the Americas.  Ch. 2, pp: 11-17 (6 sider)


Illicit trade in cultural objects


(€) Giglio, M and al-Awad, M. 2015: “Inside the underground trade to sell off Syria’s history”. BuzzFeed News, 30th July. Available at:

* Hardy, S A. 2016: “‘Black archaeology’ in Eastern Europe: Metal detecting, illicit trafficking of cultural objects and ‘legal nihilism’ in Belarus, Poland, Russia and Ukraine”. Public Archaeology, Volume 15, Number 4, 214-237.

* Kersel, Morag 2012: “The value of a looted object: stakeholder perceptions in the antiquities trade”. In Skeates, Robin; McDavid, Carol and John Carman (eds.) The Oxford handbook of public archaeology, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 253-272. (19 sider)

(€) Paul, K A. 2018: “Ancient artifacts vs. digital artifacts: New tools for unmasking the sale of illicit antiquities on the dark web”. Arts, Volume 7, Number 2.

(€) Rasmussen, Josephine M. 2014: “Securing Cultural Heritage Objects and Fencing Stolen Goods? A Case Study on Museums and Metal Detecting in Norway”Norwegian Archaeological Review 47:1. 83-107. (24 sider)

 (€) Tsirogiannis, C. 2015: “Mapping the supply: Usual suspects and identified antiquities in ‘reputable’ auction houses in 2013”. Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología, Volume 25, 107-144.


Suggested (in other words, not required) background reading:


Al-Houdalieh, S H. 2013: “Physical hazards encountered by antiquities looters: A case study from the Palestinian National Territories”. Palestine Exploration Quarterly, Volume 145, Number 4, 320-333.

Albertson, L. 2018: “Repatriation: The case of the stolen TEFAF Buddha”. Association for Research into Crime against Art (ARCA), 15th August.

Baillie, Britt; Chatzoglou, Afroditi and Shadia Taha 2010: Packaging the Past. Heritage Management 3:1, p. 51-71.

Brodie, N and Sabrine, I. 2018: “The illegal excavation and trade of Syrian cultural objects: A view from the ground”. Journal of Field Archaeology, Volume 43, Number 1, 74-84.

Brodie, N, Kersel, M, Luke, C and Walker Tubb, K (eds.). 2006: Archaeology, cultural heritage, and the antiquities trade. Gainsville: University Press of Florida.

Davis, T and Mackenzie, S M. 2014: “Crime and conflict: Temple looting in Cambodia”. In Kila, J D and Balcells, M (Eds.). Cultural property crime: An overview and analysis of contemporary perspectives and trends, 292-306. Leiden: Brill.

Dundler, L. 2019: “‘Still covered in sand.looked very old.’ – legal obligations in the internet market for antiquities”. Heritage, Volume 2, 2311-2326. Available at:

Fabiani, M D. 2018: “Disentangling strategic and opportunistic looting: The relationship between antiquities looting and armed conflict in Egypt”. Arts, Volume 7.

González-Ruibal, A and Moshenska, G (eds.). 2015: Ethics and the Archaeology of Violence. New York: Springer.

Gundersen, J, Rasmussen, J M and Lie, R O. 2016: “Private metal detecting and archaeology in Norway”. Open Archaeology, Volume 2, 160-170.

Harrison, R. 2013: Heritage: Critical Approaches. London: Routledge.

* Harrison, R (ed.). 2010: Understanding the Politics of Heritage. Manchester: Manchester University Press [Kapittel 1, s. 5-42].

Hewison, R. 1987: The Heritage Industry: Britain in a Climate of Decline. London: Methuen.

Johnson, M B. 2017: “A case study in professional ethics concerning secondary publications of unprovenanced artefacts: The new edition DSS F.Instruction1”. Distant Worlds, Number 2, 28-44.

Kaya, A. 2019: Populism and heritage in Europe: Lost in diversity and unity. London: Routledge.

Mackenzie, S and Green, G (eds.). 2009: Criminology and Archaeology. Oxford: Hart.

Matsuda, David 1998: The ethics of archaeology, subsistence digging, and artifact looting in Latin America: point muted counterpoint. International Journal of Cultural Property, 7, pp 87-97.

Plets, G. 2017: “Violins and trowels for Palmyra: Post-conflict heritage politics”. Anthropology Today, Volume 33, Number 4, 18-22.

Prescott, C and Omland, A.  2003: “The Schøyen Collection in Norway: Demand for the return of objects and questions about Iraq”.  Culture Without Context, Number 13, 8-11.

Renfrew, C. 2000: Loot, Legitimacy and Ownership: The ethical crisis in archaeology. London: Duckworth.

Skeates, R, McDavid, C and Carman, J (eds.). 2012: The Oxford handbook of public archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Skeates, R. 2000: Debating the Archaeological Heritage. London: Duckworth.

Smith, L and Waterton, E. 2009: Heritage, Communities and Archaeology. London: Duckworth.

Tapete, D and Cigna, F. 2019: Detection of archaeological looting from space: Methods, achievements and challenges. Remote Sensing, Volume 11. Available at:

Tsirogiannis, C. 2016: “Reasons to doubt: Misleading assertions in the London antiquities market”. Journal of Art Crime, Number 15, 67-72.


Published Nov. 22, 2019 4:27 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2020 9:01 AM